«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»


With the help of witchcraft, a person who has given himself over to the service of Satan is able to solve a variety of problems, one of which is very often spoilage. But, of course, the main task of witchcraft is to satisfy a person's passionate desire to feel his power over other people. With the help of demons, a sorcerer can force a person who is not protected by the grace of the Holy Spirit to do what the latter would never have thought of, and by influencing his emotional sphere, he can lead a person into a state of despondency, despair or instill inexplicable fear.

A lot of people study magical rituals and spells in order to take revenge on their offender. His illness, or even death, brings sweet satisfaction to the pride of the sorcerer, who feels himself to be a superman and almost a "god", in whose power is the life and death of the contemptible "profane". Possessed by fornication, sorcerers in this area as well

they do not deny themselves pleasure, causing with the help of evil spirits an incomprehensible sexual attachment to themselves in those to whom their lust is attracted. They do the same for money and for their clients, bewitching, that is, causing fornication in a person whom the client points to. No wonder the people say: "Love is evil, you will love a goat." Of course, from the Christian point of view, there is no trace of love in such cases. Such "evil love" should be understood as a fornication artificially induced by a sorcerer, but inexplicable to others. It is aroused in a person by the prodigal demons sent by the sorcerer, who, in the absence of grace-filled protection from the object of influence, enter into this person and extremely exaggerate his sexual instinct, inflaming passion towards the person indicated by the sorcerer. In common parlance, such a sorcerer's service is called a "love spell".

At the same time, sorcerers can do the opposite: give the task to the demon to instill an unjustified and inexplicable disgust for a once loved one (in common parlance - "lapel"). Here I would like to remind the readers once again that the witchcraft action is valid in those cases when the person who has become the object of such influence is deprived of God's protection, that is, the protection that can be provided to a person only by the uncreated Divine energy, called the grace of the Holy Spirit.

Considerable satisfaction to the sorcerer's vanity is also given by "his" ability to predict certain events, and always of a negative nature, such as, for example, illness, death, fire, imprisonment, car accident, etc. And, of course, the feeling of his exclusivity brings the sorcerer the opportunity to influence the fate of people who turn to him for help, which satisfies his thirst for power. But what is the essence of this influence? Coding for good luck, for money, for example, is still as old as the world, an offer to worship Satan instead of your Creator-God. An offer with which not only ordinary people, but also Christ Himself, was tempted by Satan, showing Him in the twinkling of an eye all the riches of the world. Here is how the Gospel says about it: "... And the devil said unto him, Unto thee will I give power over all these kingdoms, and their glory, for it is delivered unto me, and I give it to whomsoever I will. therefore if Thou wilt worship me, all things shall be Thine" (Luke 4:6-7).

It is safe to say that at all times and throughout the world, great power and great money were given most often to those people who consciously submitted themselves to the power of Satan-Lucifer, that is, to those who worshipped him. However, there were, of course, exceptions. In Old Testament times, such exceptions were those of the people to whom power was given directly from God (as a rule, through the prophets of God), and in the Christian era, Orthodox rulers (emperors and tsars) received power through anointing to the throne from the hierarchs of the Church of Christ.



Witchcraft (magical) art, thanks to which it is possible to influence nature and man with the help of demons, has been known to all peoples since ancient times. The reason for the existence of sorcerers on all continents, in all peoples and in all centuries of human life on earth is explained by the fact of real and never interrupted communication between people and beings of the spiritual (in occult terminology – parallel) world.

The American doctor and researcher Harry Wright, who devoted many years to studying the forms and methods of influencing people by witch doctors from different countries of the world, came to the conclusion that these methods are surprisingly unified. He wrote: "From the upper Amazon in South America to Gabon in West Africa in a straight line is almost 7 thousand miles. Nevertheless, I found that here and there the witch doctors did not differ much from each other. Except that the rituals of African healers are more sinister than the rituals of their American counterparts. But even this difference is usually not very clearly expressed."14

An Orthodox person has no doubt that the unity of the methods of communication between a healer, shaman, sorcerer and spirits, as well as the identity of their methods of influencing people in different countries and on different continents, is explained by a common source of information about witchcraft practice. This source comes from the depths of the underworld, that is, from the lower realms of the spiritual world. And the teachers of all these shamans-sorcerers, called angakok by the Eskimos, nianga and ngombo in Africa, brujo in Peru, curandeiro and feticeiro in Brazil, or, for example, madang on the island of Borneo, druids in England and Ireland, as well as Russian sorcerers, sorcerers and healers, are the same entities: fallen angels, or, in other words, demons.

And even among the ancient Hebrews, during the periods of their falling away from God, the service of demons was repeatedly noted (see, for example: Ezek. 8. 1, 3, 6, 9–18; 20, 39; Jer. 5, 19; 7, 9–10; 19, 4; 19, 13; Ps. 105:37-38), although the Law of Moses strictly forbade this and even obliged to severely punish with death for all forms of idolatry and sorcery, that is, sorcery (Deut. 18:9-14). Nevertheless, they also secretly appealed to demonic forces, according to Jewish tradition recorded by the ancient historian Josephus (born A.D. 37). And, despite the fact that this legend falsely connects the emergence of magical art among the Jews with the name of King Solomon, nevertheless, the very fact that some of them turned to the demons for help is quite obvious: "The Lord God," writes Josephus, "granted Solomon the opportunity to learn the art of entering into communion with demons, for the benefit and benefit of people. Solomon left behind spells to cure all kinds of diseases and magic formulas with the help of which it is possible to bind demons (that is, to make them serve him. – Author). This art," adds Josephus, "is still flourishing very strongly among us [the Jews]." 15.