«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Why do deceptive sensations occur? The human brain cannot distinguish between impulses received from the receptors of one's own body (arising from any mechanical, chemical, or other objective influence) and false sensations provoked by demons. Thus, receiving false sensory information from demons through the analyzers of their own brain, a person's consciousness will absolutely realistically feel something that does not and cannot actually exist. It is this mechanism, in our opinion, that underlies almost all deceptions of the senses described and studied by psychopathology. To this form of the influence of demons on a person we also include some phenomena of psychic automatism, in particular, motor-volitional automatism (G. Clérambault, 1930), as well as various distortions of the sense of time and space.

With the help of such an influence, demons can cause a variety of painful symptoms in a person in the absence of the disease itself, as well as physical weakness and excessive fatigue, the explanation of which doctors cannot find, despite the most careful research and analysis. In the same way, demons are able, for example, to completely deprive a person of appetite, sharply increase body temperature or blood pressure, thereby causing a stroke or heart attack, sometimes leading to death. I personally know of a case of a sudden and seemingly causeless mastopathy of an 85-year-old woman. This happened on the eve of the pilgrimage of her relatives to the Alexander Svirsky Monastery. Assuming the spiritual nature of an illness unnatural for a woman of this age, the confessor blessed her daughter to read the troparion to St. Alexander of Svir and the akathist to the Martyr Tryphon every few hours. These prayers for two days allowed the woman to get rid of all the symptoms of a serious illness that required long treatment (swollen, purple breasts, temperature of about 40 degrees).

Very often, by influencing the orgastic pleasure centers located in the hypothalamus and cerebral cortex, demons cause specific sexual sensations. With the help of such long-term influences on these centers, they manage to make sexual maniacs out of people (erotomaniacs - psychiatrists). Moreover, in some cases, demons even achieve a perversion (perversion - psychiatrist) of the natural sexual instinct, generating, for example, an irresistible attraction to persons of the same sex (homosexuality), as well as such inconceivable perversions as sadism, masochism, exhibitionism, visionism, voyeurism, servility, incest, pedophilia, necromancy, coprophagy, and so on. It should be especially noted that it is perversions and perversions (deviations from socially accepted sexual norms) that are the best and most universal indicator of the highest degrees of a person's possession, when he becomes practically a puppet in the hands of fallen angels.



Earlier mention was made of the division of sorcerers into two distinct groups. Now let's consider each of them sequentially.

Group I

I propose to call "conscious sorcerers" those who, knowing about the existence of the Creator of the universe, quite consciously deny the moral laws given by God and consider the main task of their existence to be an irreconcilable struggle with Christ and His Church. The idea of the need to fight the Creator draws its ideological justification from the main and sacred book for all civilized sorcerers and magicians, Kabbalah.


The Kabalists borrowed from the Chaldean magicians the ancient dualistic teaching of the equivalence of good and evil, secretly transmitting it from mouth to mouth, from teacher to disciple, for many centuries. This explains the title of the book, Kabbalah, which means "oral tradition." According to the Kabbalists, the eternal struggle of the good God (Yahweh, or, in other words, Jehovah, Adonai) with the god of evil (Satanael) should end in the victory of the latter. They also believe that the "God of goodness" is not really good, since He has placed people within the rigid framework of moral commandments. They consider Satanael to be a good god, who, supposedly out of love for man, allows him everything that the God of good forbade.

Kabbalists teach that by evil (from the generally accepted point of view) deeds Satanael will lead people faithful to him to a good goal, and, conversely, a good God, who only seems to be so, will actually lead people to an evil end. Thus, it is Satan, from the point of view of Kabbalists, who is the true god of good, who needs help in the fight against his opponent. Those who will help him in this will receive victorious crowns in the future eternal kingdom of Satanel. Since Kabbalah is the basis of all Masonic and other occult organizations, it becomes quite clear that their adherents are in fact servants of Satan, his accomplices in the struggle against Christ and His Church.29 But in addition to the above-mentioned secret Satanists, who never openly talk about whom they consider to be their god, there are individuals or entire groups who openly confess Satan as their god. At present, they legally register the Church of Satan and its branches as ordinary religious organizations with state bodies. But both secret and overt Satanists invariably use magic as a method of communication with the demonic world to achieve their goals (both personal and public), being in fact co-workers of the spirits of darkness in their struggle for power over all mankind, for its speedy demonization.