«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»


It is quite understandable that for those who want to control the masses by magic, it is necessary first of all to destroy in the minds of people even the very concept of sin in order to cultivate in these people the basest desires and thus push them to commit mortal sins. It is from these considerations that the need for a tacit world government to take large-scale actions and abundant financial injections for widespread and constant propaganda through the media of abortion and various forms of debauchery, including any sexual perversion. The same function is performed by such organizations as, for example, IFPF (International Planned Parenthood Federation) and its Russian branch - RAPS, as well as the feminist organization "Women of Russia". With their help, a program for "sex education of Russian schoolchildren" was developed, which is funded by the United Nations Population Fund. The program provides for teaching children "safe sex", a detailed study of various sexual perversions, completely discredits such concepts as "family" and "chastity", instills in the minds of schoolchildren the idea that they are morally completely free from their parents and can live as they want, without paying attention to the opinion of their "ancestors".

I hope it is obvious to the reader that the only source of God's grace in the world that protects man from the influence of demons is the Church of Christ and her Sacraments. That is why it is not at all surprising that for both the demons and their co-workers on the earthly plane, the Church of Christ is the main and sworn enemy, with whom they wage an irreconcilable struggle. Non-Christian peoples are of much less concern to them, since they, being deprived of the grace of Baptism, easily succumb to "zombification", which, in essence, is a method of introducing demons into the human body.

However, it should be noted that of all the Christian confessions, only Orthodoxy is an undistorted religion, which has not lost the grace of the Sacraments of its Holy Church. From this it becomes clear why one of the main political tasks for a world government is the struggle for the destruction of Orthodoxy. On this occasion, a major figure in the World Government, former US Secretary of State, member of the B'nai B'rith lodge Zbigniew Brzezinski spoke clearly and unequivocally. He openly declared: "After the destruction of communism, Russian Orthodoxy remained the only enemy of America."31 An ignorant reader might wonder: what do American politicians have to do with the Russian Orthodox Church? But we should clearly understand that it is America that is the main tool for the World Government, or rather, a tool, a kind of club, for the conquest of world domination.

Much more could be said about the work of sorcerers and psychics in the political field, but for the convenience of studying the problems touched upon in this book, we will consider the activities of sorcerers without taking into account their socio-political activities.

Group II

In addition to conscious sorcerers, who know perfectly well with whose help or by whose power they influence the world around them, performing certain "miracles", there is a fairly large group of people who believe that their supernatural (extrasensory) abilities have a completely different, non-demonic origin. For this contingent, I proposed the term "unconscious sorcerers".


It has been noticed, however, that the influence that demons exert on people through "unconscious sorcerers" who do not have magical initiation, that is, psychics and all kinds of "folk healers", is much weaker and does not lend itself to regulation (control), which is the exclusive prerogative of only real sorcerers and witches. Therefore, psychics, not being able to command demons, are only their passive carriers and servants.

Yuri Tarasov, who was nicknamed "the main sorcerer of Russia" by journalists at the beginning of "perestroika", in one of his interviews openly laughed at the profane psychics, who, according to him, do not have even one tenth of the capabilities at the disposal of even the most mediocre sorcerer; And in this he is certainly right. In another of his interviews, which have been preserved (in the form of a newspaper clipping) in my archive, Y. Tarasov, a hereditary sorcerer in the fourth generation, clearly spilled the beans about what sorcerers prefer to keep silent about. About the curse and about the capabilities of sorcerers is said here more than frankly. I believe that he really involuntarily let it slip (after all, the Lord noted that there is nothing secret that would not be revealed). Tarasov said:

"Magic is not white or black. Or over there, as they say now, red or green. There is just magic, and that's it. And if you possess it, then you will expel the disease and bring the curse, as a person deserves it (let us pay attention here to the fact that the sorcerer takes on the role of a judge, determining who deserves to be punished by the curse and who does not. – Author).

Corr. — By the way, there is a curious point that still interests me: is it possible to kill a person from a distance with the help of damage, to cripple, to break his psyche — are "magical" crimes possible?