«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

In addition to conscious sorcerers, who know perfectly well with whose help or by whose power they influence the world around them, performing certain "miracles", there is a fairly large group of people who believe that their supernatural (extrasensory) abilities have a completely different, non-demonic origin. For this contingent, I proposed the term "unconscious sorcerers".


It has been noticed, however, that the influence that demons exert on people through "unconscious sorcerers" who do not have magical initiation, that is, psychics and all kinds of "folk healers", is much weaker and does not lend itself to regulation (control), which is the exclusive prerogative of only real sorcerers and witches. Therefore, psychics, not being able to command demons, are only their passive carriers and servants.

Yuri Tarasov, who was nicknamed "the main sorcerer of Russia" by journalists at the beginning of "perestroika", in one of his interviews openly laughed at the profane psychics, who, according to him, do not have even one tenth of the capabilities at the disposal of even the most mediocre sorcerer; And in this he is certainly right. In another of his interviews, which have been preserved (in the form of a newspaper clipping) in my archive, Y. Tarasov, a hereditary sorcerer in the fourth generation, clearly spilled the beans about what sorcerers prefer to keep silent about. About the curse and about the capabilities of sorcerers is said here more than frankly. I believe that he really involuntarily let it slip (after all, the Lord noted that there is nothing secret that would not be revealed). Tarasov said:

"Magic is not white or black. Or over there, as they say now, red or green. There is just magic, and that's it. And if you possess it, then you will expel the disease and bring the curse, as a person deserves it (let us pay attention here to the fact that the sorcerer takes on the role of a judge, determining who deserves to be punished by the curse and who does not. – Author).

Corr. — By the way, there is a curious point that still interests me: is it possible to kill a person from a distance with the help of damage, to cripple, to break his psyche — are "magical" crimes possible?

Y.T. — Very possible. This is done in different ways. With the help of wax dolls, figurines, animal blood, and something else. A person just fades before our eyes, withers and... Dies. From what - no one knows. You can say: "heart", or you can say something else. In such cases, doctors cannot help, only sorcerers help. With the help of special spells and spells."

Of course, let's make allowances for self-promotion, for the pride inherent in Y. Tarasov, who believes that only his colleagues in the "black shop" can help a person. But it is worth listening to his confessions of demonic influences in order to understand why and on whom they can act.

Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain says the following about this method of inflicting damage by sorcerers: "They make a doll from wax that looks like a person. When people come to them and ask that, for example, their enemy be blinded, they stick a needle in the doll's eyes and at the same time pronounce the name of the person they want to blind... And if a person who is thus cursed lives a sinful life and does not confess, then the demonic influence strikes his eyes. In pain, they seem to come out of their sockets! A person is examined by doctors, but the doctors do not find anything."32 This method of inducing damage is used by all ancient and modern sorcerers, both highly educated and completely illiterate, from the forgotten Russian or African hinterland.

The Klin newspaper "Hammer and Sickle" in its article "A Witch with a University Education" spoke about the activities of the laboratory of "suggestive linguistics" at Perm University, headed by Irina Cherepanova. "It is here that modern witches are trained... Ivan Efremov said about such people: "Witches are the most educated women of their time." Other witches are being trained at Perm University. To the statement that her witches do evil, Irina Cherepanova objects without a shadow of a doubt:

"So what?" By doing evil, they teach a person a lesson. We can say that evil is a lesson.

And what lesson do witches teach Cherepanova? It explains in detail how you can harm a person: make a doll out of wax that resembles the victim, place the victim's nails or hair in it, and stick the needle into the parts of the body that you want to hit with the appropriate spells. And if you want to do away with a person, then you need to pierce the heart with a pin and slowly melt the wax doll on the fire.

The description of this ritual known from the novel by A. Dumas - inducing a curse - causes a contemptuous smile among modern people, but in vain. The English naturalist and explorer of Central Africa, Royce Wilson, gave a detailed description of an execution carried out in front of his eyes in an African tribe. The sorcerer painted a complex drawing on the victim's body. The executed man was crucified between the pillars, and before his eyes the sorcerer, having made a figurine out of clay, began to slowly pin the same pattern on it... In time with his movements, a bloody tattoo began to appear on the prisoner's body. Finally, the sorcerer finished his "work" and with one blow pierced the clay figurine with a needle. At the same moment, the prisoner convulsed convulsively and hung on the ropes...