«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

218 Plato. About the state. X, 617 E.

219 Archim. Justin Popovich. Man and God-man.

220 The Rite of the Burial of Lay People. The sticheron is self-voiced. Tone 2 // Trebnik. Pp. 187–188.

221 m. ??????. ?????. «??????? ???????? ?????? ???????????? ??? ??????? ????????? // ?. ?. ????????. ????????? ?????????????? ??????, 1969. ?. 225.

222 St. Clement of Alexandria. Stromata VII, 12. P. 859; III, 9. P. 353.

223 St. Gregory of Nyssa. Refutation of the opinions of Apollinaris (anti-critic) // Works of the Holy Fathers. T. 44. Part 7. P. 88.

224 St. Gregory the Theologian. Moralizing poems. 34: 25.

225 St. Gregory Palamas. To the Honorable Nun Xenia // Philokalia. T. 5. P. 278.

226 St. Gregory of Nyssa. Refutation of Eunomius. Cl. 8 // Creations. T. 43. Part 6. P. 135: "For in relation to the flesh, life is called the activity and movement of the bodily senses; and vice versa, the cessation of their (activity) and destruction is called death."

227 St. Gregory Palamas. Theological Chapters, 52.

228 Epistle to Diognetus, 9th. // ?????. 2, 255 (12–13).

229 Severian of Gabala. About the fifth day of creation. Hl. 10: "It is not the blessed who receives the curse, but the earth. One has sinned, and the other is afflicted. It is the same with the "curse of Eve, or rather the punishment (for it was not a curse, but a correction). […] Our deeds are criminal, but the earth is tormented. God cares for creation as for a noble child, and smites the earth as a teacher" (i.e., a mentor, educator). (In some manuscripts, this discourse is attributed to St. John Chrysostom).

230 St. John Chrysostom. Commentaries on the Psalms. 48, 5 // Creations. T. 5. Kn. 1, p. 240.

231 See: ?. ?. ???????????. ? ???????, ??????????? – ????????? – ???????. ??????, 1973. ?. 46.