«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»
Своих искушений никому не поверяй, кроме духовного отца (старца) (преподобный Амвросий Оптинский).
Вся сила и характер и хитрость искушений диавольских относительно людей состоит в том, что он прельстил и прельщает, подстрекал и подстрекает людей
любить мир и то, что в мире: суетную мудрость мира
сего, богатство, славу, знатность, сладости земные; и
отвращаться Бога и горнего царствия и блаженства;
любить суетные вещи земные, заботиться о возможно
большем их приобретении и изобретении и презирать
the soul and its true needs; to love the flesh, its
health, color, beauty, fatness, voluptuousness of the flesh, and to hate the soul, that is, virtue, to forget
the immortality of the soul, its prototype – God, so that it and
she did not think about immortality and about the path leading to immortality, about God and about union with Him.
(When you are offered something). If you do not have
Do not take the volume of need, for it may be that Satan is tempting you to take what is beyond your need.
The most glorious thing of all deeds is to confess one's sins before God and one's spiritual elders
To condemn oneself and to be ready to meet
every temptation to the last breath.
Temptations from the devil are of two kinds.
The bait of sweetness is the first bait that he puts before his thought; and the other is irritation at Archpriest Valentin Mordasov 74 ON TEMPTATIONS 75
by which he compels the soul to lust
sweets and inclines it to his will.
When your soul is tempted by sorrow, I advise you
to say to yourself more often: "Thou art sorrowful, O soul
Trust in God, that we may worship Him, the salvation of my countenance and my God.
Temptations of the devil against the reading of divine books. When I came to borrow a book, I was in such a
like a man going to touch the
Beast. When I forced myself, God helped me
And I'm used to it.
Attachment to anything in the world gives
a reason for the tempter to occupy the thought of the ascetic of piety not with the afterlife, but with the present life (St. Theophan For the Creator).
In order to hate sin, think more often, and especially when you are tempted, about the harmful consequences of sin – about the harm that can
come from it for you for all eternity, if not
You should always move away from the causes that excite
enemy warfare, and not to approach things that can harm the soul. And I'm not talking about baits
but also about everything desirable with which it can