Flower Words of Advice

But let us not be surprised, because the holy Elder lived in another world and by the grace given to him was in uninterrupted communion with God. Already here, by the grace of God, he conquered corruption, and God Himself was his guide.

I would like to preface my book with the following comments:

"In it, we will not find answers to absolutely all our questions and solutions to all our problems. But by reading it, we can be imbued with the Orthodox spiritual worldview, in which we can discover God and man.

Many of the Elder's advice is very personal and therefore may not be acceptable to us. His instructions always took into account the physical condition, social and family status, and the spiritual level of the person to whom his love was addressed.

— When we do not understand, perhaps due to our spiritual imperfection, some of Father Porphyrius's advice, we should not be embarrassed by this. Perhaps we will understand them in time, or we can ask a more spiritually experienced person for clarification. The most important thing is to have a good disposition, to be open to receiving the spirit of the Elder's instructions.

Father Porphyrius often taught us simply by his own example. Inspired by the prayer, love and example of the Elder, we will be able to solve the problems that have tormented us for many years.

— If we are interested in something specifically, then we can, without reading the entire book, find the place we need in the table of contents.

May the prayers of Father Porphyrius be with us, to support us and guide us on the path to God.


KHr. To.


Monk Agapnius. The divine fire lit in my heart by Elder Porphyrios. Athens, 2000. 132 p. (In Russian)

Yannshntsiotn K. Next to the Elder Porphyrius. Athens, 1995. 335 p. (In Russian)

Ioannidnus K. Paterik XX veka [Patericon of the XX century]. Athens, 2002. Hieromonk Damascene. The saint of God will be loved by Him. Athens, 1995.