«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The very word "church" goes back to the Greek Kyrios, "Lord," and thus the church is traced back to the Lord Jesus Christ, who is not at the center of Moon's "unification church." The Lord is presented only as a kind of "guide" to Moon for those who were formerly Christians. This is the only meaningful role left to Him (since Christ's own mission, according to Moon's "ideal," has completely collapsed) and is only one of the many prerequisites for "restoration." Therefore, it does not even require addition, but it needs to be started from the beginning and in a different way.

In this regard, Moon's movement says about Jesus Christ that during His earthly life 2000 years ago, He allegedly "understood little," but now, having become "the son of Father Moon," he finally "comprehended everything" and repented, and handed over to Father Moon, as the new possessor of the truth, the position of "master of the universe."

"God declared: I trust you, My son. Now I declare before heaven and earth that Moon, My son, is the greatest victor who ever existed... Therefore, the Unification Church has the right to proclaim that Moon is superior to Jesus. This is proclaimed by God himself: Jesus, followed by Buddha, Mohammed, etc., is the first support of the father."

The crucifixion is not just seen as a sign of Jesus' defeat; Moreover, the cross is even seen as a symbol of Satan's victory. The resurrection of Christ is also devoid of redemptive significance for the Moonies, but simply means His passage into paradise, the spiritual world for spirits who are at the stage of growth. It is believed that Moon's alleged suffering surpassed the agony of the cross:

"Who suffered more, Jesus or the father? When dying on the cross, all the pain goes away in 10 minutes, but carrying the cross and suffering for 50 years is much more painful. People cannot comprehend Moon's suffering, and even God cries out in anguish when he sees the pain Moon endures."

It is believed that with his wedding, Moon got even for the defeat of the crucifixion. At the same time, his son Hong In's car crash is seen as a substitute sacrifice for Moon's crucifixion.

The now well-known statements about Jesus completely exclude Christian dialogue with the Moon movement.

The image of God.

Moon's movement is characterized by reliance on East Asian cosmology. The image of God is determined by the ideas of Taoism. God is the principle, the primordial power, but not the personal free Creator. A "God" of this type is fully defined, not independent, and not free. "God alone is not able to fulfill His will." But at the same time, we are not talking about the synergetic ideas of Christianity (God and man must interact), as one might assume. The "god of principle" is incapable of his own free action. "God's will is 100% predestined, and no change is possible."

At the same time, man is predetermined only by 95%, and thus he is able and obliged to take his share of responsibility by all means, because only in this way can anything happen at all. Only a person has a field for free action – these 5%. From this idea of an impersonal "divine principle" that has completely exhausted itself and needs primarily a physical human body for its actions, Moon's extremely totalitarian expansionist aspirations stem, for he sees himself as the first man to become the bodily expression of the "principle," the incarnation of God. This includes teaching the groups that "true parents are a complete manifestation of God," that Moon is "the lord of all rulers and the king of all kings," ruling with his wife as "the king and queen of the entire universe." And in this case, all means and ways of total penetration are allowed and justified.