«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Messianic expectation and the concept of salvation.

Moon's movement is a movement for the purification and perfection of humanity, and these processes must come from the "true man" who has already achieved personal and family perfection and now, through his offspring (and adoption, which has a physical effect on the change of heredity), creates a perfect, new nation, and through it, a new humanity.

Consequently, the teaching of Moon's movement is not about the biblical expectation of the Messiah, but primarily about the claim that in the person of Moon there appeared the true god-king Chung-Do Ryung, who is awaited by the Chun-Gam-Nok current, as well as Ying-Yang (the true man of Confucianism) or Miruk-Bul (the messianic Maitreya-Buddha of Korean Buddhism). Thus, the "expectation of the Messiah" in Moon's movement is revealed as exclusively Korean. It is supplemented by the idea of "true parents," and the "kingdom of heaven" on earth itself consists in the domination of the Moon family.


Christianity bears witness to Christ Jesus as the perfect God and the perfect Man, before Whom every creature kneels and by Whose sacrifice on the Cross the whole world is renewed.

Moonism preaches a perfect man who personifies God (that is, who has realized the "principle") – Moon. He is the "master of the universe" and the "co-creator of himself."

Such an understanding of God is deeply alien to Christianity. The Good News speaks of the Lord, who was humiliated and crucified for our salvation, and of the Grace of God, which strengthens Christians to keep the commandments, the first of which is "blessed are the poor in spirit."

A meek, compassionate God is a living personal love, not a dead, soulless Principle. Love for God and for one's neighbor is for Christians the measure and foundation of all things. This is the cardinal discrepancy between the religion of Moonism and the Christian faith.