«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

The now well-known statements about Jesus completely exclude Christian dialogue with the Moon movement.

The image of God.

Moon's movement is characterized by reliance on East Asian cosmology. The image of God is determined by the ideas of Taoism. God is the principle, the primordial power, but not the personal free Creator. A "God" of this type is fully defined, not independent, and not free. "God alone is not able to fulfill His will." But at the same time, we are not talking about the synergetic ideas of Christianity (God and man must interact), as one might assume. The "god of principle" is incapable of his own free action. "God's will is 100% predestined, and no change is possible."

At the same time, man is predetermined only by 95%, and thus he is able and obliged to take his share of responsibility by all means, because only in this way can anything happen at all. Only a person has a field for free action – these 5%. From this idea of an impersonal "divine principle" that has completely exhausted itself and needs primarily a physical human body for its actions, Moon's extremely totalitarian expansionist aspirations stem, for he sees himself as the first man to become the bodily expression of the "principle," the incarnation of God. This includes teaching the groups that "true parents are a complete manifestation of God," that Moon is "the lord of all rulers and the king of all kings," ruling with his wife as "the king and queen of the entire universe." And in this case, all means and ways of total penetration are allowed and justified.

Messianic expectation and the concept of salvation.

Moon's movement is a movement for the purification and perfection of humanity, and these processes must come from the "true man" who has already achieved personal and family perfection and now, through his offspring (and adoption, which has a physical effect on the change of heredity), creates a perfect, new nation, and through it, a new humanity.

Consequently, the teaching of Moon's movement is not about the biblical expectation of the Messiah, but primarily about the claim that in the person of Moon there appeared the true god-king Chung-Do Ryung, who is awaited by the Chun-Gam-Nok current, as well as Ying-Yang (the true man of Confucianism) or Miruk-Bul (the messianic Maitreya-Buddha of Korean Buddhism). Thus, the "expectation of the Messiah" in Moon's movement is revealed as exclusively Korean. It is supplemented by the idea of "true parents," and the "kingdom of heaven" on earth itself consists in the domination of the Moon family.