9 и сказал, чтобы очистили комнаты, и велел опять внести туда сосуды дома Божия, хлебное приношение и ладан.

10 Еще узнал я, что части левитам не отдаются, и что левиты и певцы, делавшие свое дело, разбежались, каждый на свое поле.

11 Я сделал за это выговор начальствующим и сказал: зачем оставлен нами дом Божий? И я собрал их и поставил их на место их.

12 И все Иудеи стали приносить десятины хлеба, вина и масла в кладовые.

13 И приставил я к кладовым Шелемию священника и Садока книжника и Федаию из левитов, и при них Ханана, сына Закхура, сына Матфании, потому что они считались верными. И на них возложено раздавать части братьям своим.

14 Помяни меня за это, Боже мой, и не изгладь усердных дел моих, которые я сделал для дома Бога моего и для служения при нем!

15 В те дни я увидел в Иудее, что в субботу топчут точила, возят снопы и навьючивают ослов вином, виноградом, смоквами и всяким грузом, и отвозят в субботний день в Иерусалим. И я строго выговорил им в тот же день, когда они продавали съестное.

16 And the Tyrians dwelt in Judah, and brought fish and all kinds of goods, and sold them on the sabbath to the inhabitants of Judah and in Jerusalem.

17 And I rebuked the nobles of the Jews, and said unto them, Why do ye do such evil, and profane the sabbath day?

18 Did not your fathers do this, and therefore our God brought all this calamity upon us and upon this city? But you increase his anger against Israel by defiling the sabbath.

19 After this, when it was getting dark at the gates of Jerusalem, before the Sabbath, I commanded that the doors should be locked, and I said that they should not be unlocked until the morning after the sabbath. And I have set my servants at the gate, that no burden should pass away on the sabbath day.

20 And the merchants and sellers of all kinds of goods slept once and twice outside of Jerusalem.

21 But I rebuked them sternly, and said to them, 'Why do you spend the night near the wall?' If you do it another time, I will lay my hand on you. From that time on, they did not come on the Sabbath.

22 And I said to the Levites that they should be cleansed, and that they should come to keep watch at the gates, that they might keep the sabbath day holy. And for this remember me, O my God, and have mercy on me according to Thy great mercy!

23 Even in those days I saw the Jews who took wives from the Ashdod women, the Ammonite women, and the Moabite women;

24 And therefore their sons speak half the language of Ashdod, or the language of other nations, and do not know how to speak Hebrew.

25 And I rebuked them for this, and cursed them, and I smote some of the men, and tore their hair, and adjured them by God, that they should not give their daughters for their sons, nor take their daughters for their sons and for themselves.

26 Was it not because of them, I said, that Solomon king of Israel sinned? Many nations did not have a king like him. He was loved by his God, and God made him king over all Israel; and yet foreign women led him into sin too.

27 And can we hear of you, that you do all these great evils, that you sin against our God, taking foreign wives into their cohabitation?

28 And of the sons of Jehoiada, the son of Eliashib the high priest, one was the son-in-law of Sanballat, the Khoronite. I drove him away from me.

29 Remember them, O my God, that they have profaned the priesthood and the priestly and Levitical covenant.