5 My brethren are beautiful and great, but the Lord did not deign to choose from among them.

6 I went out to meet a stranger, and he cursed me with his idols.

7 But I snatched the sword from him, and beheaded him, and delivered the children of Israel from reproach.]

The Book of Proverbs

Chapter 1

1 Proverbs of Solomon the son of David, king of Israel,

2 to know wisdom and instruction, to understand the utterances of understanding;

3 to learn the rules of prudence, justice, judgment and righteousness;

4 to give wisdom to the simple, knowledge and prudence to the youth;

5 The wise shall hear, and shall increase knowledge, and the prudent shall find wise counsel;

6 To understand the parable, and the intricate speech, the words of the wise men, and their riddles.

7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom; [good understanding in all who are led by it; and reverence for God is the beginning of understanding;] fools only despise wisdom and instruction.

8 Hearken, my son, to the instruction of thy father, and do not reject the covenant of thy mother,

9 for it is a beautiful crown for thy head, and an ornament for thy neck.

10 My son! if sinners persuade you, do not consent;

11 If they say, 'Come with us, let us lay an ambush for the murder, let us lie in wait for the blameless without guilt,

12 Alive we will swallow them up as hell, and whole them as descending into the grave;

13 Let us gather up all kinds of precious goods, let us fill our houses with spoils;

14 Thy lot thou shalt cast with us, and we shall all have one storehouse,"

15 My son! Thou shalt not go on a journey with them, but keep thy foot from their path;

16 for their feet run to evil, and hasten to shed blood.