29 And he shall make thy ways straight, and shall make thy marches in peace.]

Chapter 5

1 My son! Give heed to my wisdom, and incline thy ear to my understanding;

2 To keep prudence, and that thy mouth may keep knowledge. [Do not heed a flattering woman;]

3 For the mouth of a strange woman pours out honey, and her speech is softer than oil;

4 But the consequences of it are bitter as wormwood, sharp as a two-edged sword;

5 Her feet descend to death, her feet reach to hell.

6 If thou wouldst comprehend the path of her life, her ways are not constant, and thou shalt not know them.

7 Therefore, children, listen to me, and do not depart from the words of my mouth.

8 Keep thy way farther from her, and come not near the door of her house,

9 lest thy health be given to others, nor thy years to the tormentor;

10 lest strangers be satisfied with thy power, and thy labours be for a stranger's house.

11 And thou shalt groan afterwards, when thy flesh and thy body are exhausted,

12 And you will say, "Why did I hate instruction, and my heart despised reproof?

13 And I did not listen to the voice of my teachers, nor did I incline my ear to my teachers.

14 I have almost fallen into all evil in the midst of the congregation and the congregation!"

15 Drink the water from your cistern and the water flowing from your well.

16 Thy springs shall not be poured out in the streets, and streams of waters in the squares;

17 Let them belong to thee alone, and not to strangers with thee.

18 Blessed be thy fountain; and be comforted by the wife of thy youth;

19 With the lovely doe and the beautiful chamois: let her bosom delight thee at all times, delight in her love continually.