14 Oh, you are beautiful, my beloved, you are beautiful! Your eyes are like pigeons.

15 Oh, you are beautiful, my beloved, and gracious! and our bed is greenery;

16 The roofs of our houses are cedars, our ceilings are cypresses.

Chapter 2

1 I am the narcissus of Sharon, the lily of the valleys!

2 As a lily among thorns, so is my beloved among virgins.

3 As an apple tree among the trees of the forest, so is my beloved among the youths. In its shade I love to sit, and its fruits are sweet to my throat.

4 He brought me into the house of banquet, and his ensign over me is love.

5 Refresh me with wine, refresh me with apples, for I am faint with love.

6 His left hand is under my head, and his right embraces me.

7 I adjure you, O daughters of Jerusalem, with chamois, or with deer of the field, do not wake or disturb your beloved, as long as she pleases.

8 The voice of my beloved! behold, he walks, jumps over the mountains, jumps over the hills.

9 My friend is like a chamois, or like a young deer. Here he is standing behind the wall, looking through the window, flashing through the bars.

10 My beloved began to say to me, 'Arise, my beloved, my beautiful one, come forth!'

11 Behold, the winter is past; the rain has passed, stopped;

12 Flowers appeared on the ground; the time for singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our country;

13 The fig trees have sprouted their buds, and the vines are blossoming and giving forth incense. Arise, my beloved, my beautiful, come forth!

14 My dove is in the gorge of the rock under the shelter of the cliff! show me thy face, let me hear thy voice, for thy voice is sweet, and thy face is pleasant.

15 Catch for us foxes, fox cubs, which spoil the vineyards, and our vineyards are in bloom.

16 My beloved belongs to me, and I to him; he feeds among the lilies.

17 As long as the day breathes coolness, and the shadows flee away, return, be like a chamois or a young deer in the clefts of the mountains.