22 For the breastplate thou shalt make chains twisted with plaited work of pure gold;

23 And thou shalt make two rings of gold to the breastplate, and fasten the two rings to the two ends of the breastplate.

24 and in a day two braided chains of gold in both rings at the ends of the breastplate,

25 And the two ends of the two chains shall be fastened to the two sockets, and thou shalt fasten them to the shoulders of the ephod on the front of it.

26 And thou shalt make two rings of gold, and fasten them to the other two ends of the breastplate, on the side which lies to the ephod inward.

27 And thou shalt also make two rings of gold, and fasten them to the two shoulders of the ephod from below, on the front of it, at the joint thereof, above the girdle of the ephod.

28 And they shall fasten the breastplate with the rings thereof to the rings of the ephod with a cord of blue wool, that it may be over the girdle of the ephod, and that the breastplate may not fall from the ephod.

29 And Aaron shall bear the names of the children of Israel on the breastplate of judgment near his heart, when he shall enter into the sanctuary, for a constant remembrance before the Lord. [And put twisted chains on the breastplate of judgment, put them at both ends of the breastplate, and put both sockets on both shoulders on the shoulder on the shoulder from the face.]

30 On the breastplate of judgment thou shalt put the Urim and Thummim, and they shall be in Aaron's heart, when he shall enter before the Lord; And Aaron shall always bear the judgment of the children of Israel in his heart before the Lord.

31 And thou shalt make the upper robe for the ephod all of blue;

32 There shall be a hole for the head in the midst of it; the hole around it should have a woven plating, like the hole in the armor, so that it does not fight;

33 And thou shalt make apples in the hem thereof, of threads of blue, and of purple, and scarlet in color, and round about the hem thereof. [apples of this kind and] golden vertebrae between them in a circle:

34 a golden vertebra and an apple, a golden vertebra and an apple, around the hem of the upper robe;

35 She shall be upon Aaron in service, that a sound may be heard from him when he enters into the sanctuary before the Lord, and when he goes out, that he may not die.