14 With the oil of the cow, and with the milk of the sheep, and with the fat of the lambs, and the rams of Bashan, and of the goats, and with fat wheat, and thou hast drunk wine, the blood of the grapes.

15 And [Jacob ate, and] Israel grew fat, and became obstinate; fattened, fattened, and fattened; and he forsook the God who created him, and despised the stronghold of his salvation.

16 With strange gods they provoked him to anger, and with their abominations they provoked him to anger.

17 And they offered sacrifices to demons, and not to God, to gods whom they did not know, to new gods, which came from their neighbours, and of whom your fathers had not thought.

18 But thou hast forgotten the Advocate who begat thee, and hast not remembered the God who created thee.

19 And the Lord saw [and was indignant], and in indignation despised his sons and his daughters,

20 And he said, 'I will hide my face from them, and I will see what their end will be; for they are a corrupt generation; children in whom there is no fidelity;

21 And they have provoked Me not with God, but with their vain things they have grieved Me: and I will not provoke them to anger with a people, but with a people of sense.

22 For a fire is kindled in my wrath, it burneth unto hell under the earth, and consumeth the earth and its produce, and burneth the foundations of the mountains.

23 I will gather calamities upon them, and I will exhaust my arrows upon them;

24 They will be exhausted by famine, destroyed by fever and fierce pestilence; and I will send upon them the teeth of beasts, and the venom of those that creep upon the earth;

25 The sword shall destroy them from without, and terror in the houses, both the young man and the maiden, and the suckling child, and the old man covered with gray hair.

26 I would say, I will scatter them, and blot out the remembrance of them from among men;

27 but he put it aside because of the anger of his enemies, lest his enemies should think and say, 'Our hand is exalted, and the Lord hath not done all these things.'