31 And Joshua went out of Libnah, and all Israel with him, to Lachish, and encamped by him, and fought against him.

32 And the LORD delivered Lachish into the hands of Israel, and he took her the next day, and smote her with the sword, and all that was breathing in her, as he had done to Libnah.

33 Then came to the aid of Lachish Horam, king of Gazer; but Jesus smote him and his people [with the sword] so that he left no one with him to survive.

34 And Joshua and all Israel went with him from Lachish to Eglon, and encamped by him, and fought against him.

35 And they took him that same day, and smote him with the sword, and all that was breathing in him that day he put to a curse, as he did with Lachish.

36 And Joshua and all Israel went with him from Eglon to Hebron, and fought against him;

37 And they took him, and smote him with the sword, and his king, and all his cities, and all that was breathing in him; he left no one to survive, as he did with Eglon: he conjured him and all that was breathing in him.

38 Then Joshua and all Israel with him turned to Dabir, and fought against him.

39 And they took him, and his king, and all his cities, and smote them with the sword, and put to death all that breathed in him: there was no one left to survive. As he did to Hebron and his king, so did he to Debir and his king, and as he did to Libnah and her king.

40 And Joshua smote all the land on the hills, and the noonday, and the lowlands, and the land that lay by the mountains, and all their kings: he left no one to survive, and he put every thing that breathed under the curse, as the Lord God of Israel had commanded.

41 Joshua smote them from Kadesh-barnea to Gaza, and all the land of Goshen even to Gibeon;

42 And all these kings and their land Joshua took at once, for the Lord God of Israel fought for Israel.

43 Then Joshua and all the Israelites with him returned to the camp, to Gilgal.

Chapter 11