The Pentateuch of Moses

Festival of Trumpets

23The Lord commanded Moses 24 to say to the children of Israel: "The first day of the seventh month shall be a day of complete rest for you, a day of remembrance. You celebrate it with a sacred assembly with loud trumpets; 25By not doing your daily work, you will bring a gift to the Lord."

Day of Purification

26The Lord said to Moses: 27 "And the tenth day of the same seventh month shall be your Day of Atonement,940 and again you shall have a holy assembly on this occasion, when you should humble yourselves,941 and offer a gift to the Lord. 28On this day you should not do any work, because it is the Day of Atonement, when your union with the Lord your God is restored. 29But if anyone does not humble himself on this day, he must be cast out from among his people. 30Neither will I leave anyone who works on this very day to live[942] among you; 31You are not allowed to do any work. And let this be an immutable institution in all your generations, wherever you live. 32For you, this should be a Sabbath spent in holy peace and humility of soul. From the evening of the ninth day of that month, from sunset to sunset, you must observe your Sabbath."

Feast of Tabernacles

33The Lord commanded Moses 34 to say to the children of Israel: "From the fifteenth day of the same seventh month, the Feast of Tabernacles, dedicated to the Lord, is to be celebrated for seven days." 35On the first day there is a holy assembly, and it is not allowed to carry on daily work. 36All seven days you will offer gifts to the Lord. And on the eighth you must again come together in a sacred assembly and offer a gift to the Lord. This is the day of a solemn meeting, when no daily work can be done.

37These are the feasts ordained by the Lord, which you are to keep as the time of the holy convocation, in order to offer gifts to the Lord: burnt offerings and grain offerings, sacrifices and drink offerings, all on a certain day, 38 and this is besides the weekly Sabbaths of the Lord and your gifts, and besides all that you give to the Lord by vows or special zeal.

39From the fifteenth day of the seventh month, therefore, after you have gathered up the things that have been born in your land, you shall have seven days of feasts dedicated to the Lord. The first day is a day of complete rest, and the eighth day must also be a day of complete rest. 40On the first day, gather for yourselves the best fruit from the trees, take also palm branches and branches of broad-leaved trees and river willows, and rejoice seven days before the LORD your God. 41This feast dedicated to the Lord is to be celebrated annually and for seven days each time. In every seventh month of every year, let it be an immutable institution in all your generations.

42 For seven days of feast you shall dwell in booths. All the native Israelites are to dwell in booths these days, 43 so that your descendants may know that I dwelt in booths the children of Israel when I brought them out of Egypt. I am the Lord your God."

44 And Moses told the children of Israel about the feasts established by the Lord.

The Ordinances of the Lampstand and the Sacred Breads

24 Then the Lord said to Moses: 2 "Command that the children of Israel bring you pure oil for illumination, pressed out of olives, so that the lamps may always burn at the appointed time. 3In the Tent of Revelation by the veil behind which is the ark containing the tablets of the Law,945 Aaron is to keep these lamps in order, so that they will always burn before the Lord from dusk to dawn. May this be an immutable institution in all your generations. 4 Every day[946] it will be necessary to take care of the lamps on the lamp of pure gold, the same lamp that stands before the Lord.

5From the best wheat flour bake twelve cakes (each cake is baked with two-tenths of efa[947] flour) 6 and put them in two piles (six in each) on a clean table[948] before the Lord. 7Along each row of cakes put a little pure incense, which will give flavor[949] to the bread; it is a gift to the Lord. 8They are to be placed before the Lord at a certain time, every Sabbath; it is an offering from the children of Israel as a sign of the everlasting covenant. 9These loaves are to belong to Aaron and his sons, and they are to eat them in a holy place. For Aaron and his sons, this is a great holiness, an invariably singled out part of the gifts of the Lord. This is an eternal institution."

Punishment for blasphemy