The Pentateuch of Moses

In meaning. (in meaning): it is given when a word translated literally in the text requires, in the opinion of the translator, an indication of its special semantic shade in this context.

In some cases. manuscripts (in some manuscripts): it is used when citing text versions.

Drevn. transl. (ancient translations): used when it is necessary to show how a particular place in the original was understood by ancient translations, possibly based on another text of the original.

A friend. vzm. transl. (another possible translation): given as another, although possible, but, in the opinion of translators, less substantiated translation.

A friend. Reading (other reading): is given when a different arrangement of signs denoting vowel sounds, or a different sequence of letters, is possible to read a reading different from the original, but supported by other ancient translations.

Hebrew. (Hebrew): Used when it is important to show which word is used in the original. Often it is impossible to convey it adequately, without semantic losses, into Russian, so many modern translations introduce this word into transliteration into the native language.

Or: it is used when a note contains another, sufficiently substantiated translation.

Masoretic text: the text accepted as the main text for translation; A footnote is given when, for a number of textual reasons: the meaning of the word is unknown, the original text is corrupted – in the translation it is necessary to deviate from the literal rendering.

LXX — The Septuagint, a translation of the Holy Scriptures (Old Testament) into Greek, made in the third and second centuries B.C.



Everyday life — Being


Leo – Leviticus