«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

6 Pierre-Louis, a Parisian priest, in 1840 fixed the end of the world for 1900.

7 "In America, the state of society is undoubtedly unique in history.... I do believe that God has chosen America for a special role on the world stage, and He intends to show its citizens to be chosen for the millennium."

8 Information on the various trends of "progressive chiliasm" according to the Encyclopaedia Britannica. Electronic version. 1996. Chapter Chiliasm.

9 Op. cit. From: Franz R. Krizis sovesti [The Crisis of Conscience]. Moscow, 1997. P. 217.

10 White J. Scetches of the Christian Life and Public Labors of William Miller. Battle Creek, 1875. ?. 55-57.

11 Ibidem. Page. 68.

12 Nikol F. D. The Midnight Cry. Washington, 1945. ?. 458.

13 Keld D. R. The Church Under Stress, 1931-1960//Adventism in America: A History. Grand Rapidz, 1986. p. 187.

14 Ibidem.

15 Mitrofan (Znosko-Borovsky), Archpriest. Orthodoxy, Roman Catholicism, Protestantism and Sectarianism. Kolomna, 1992. P. 112.

16 Numberz R. L. Prophetess of Health: A Study of Ellen G. White. New York, 1976. ?. 8-10.

17 Ibidem. P. 15.

18 Shvarts R. The Perils of Growth, 1886-1905//Adventism in America: A History. Grand Rapidz, 1986. ?. 96-97.

19 It supported the "righteousness by faith" movement and also reconciled the 1900 conflict in which many "Seventh-day Adventists" came under the influence of the doctrine of "holy flesh." The basic idea of this doctrine is that a person, having received perfection in the form of new flesh, can be immediately transferred to heaven, so that he no longer has to die an ordinary death.

20 Shvarts R. Ukaz. cit., pp. 105-106.

21 The following examples of false prophecies by Ellen White could be cited: "In 1847 she saw in a vision that Christ would come before slavery was abolished, and it would be abolished at His coming. But slavery was abolished, and Christ never came. In a vision of January 4, 1862, it was revealed to her that slavery had been "abandoned in order to provoke a new insurrection." But slavery ceased to exist without causing another uprising." Bederwolf Y. Seventh-day adventism: the Result of a Predicament. Grand Rapidz, 1950. P. 9.

22 Citing from Land G. Shaping the Modern Church, 1906-1930 // Adventism in America: A History. Grand Rapidz, 1986. P. 154.

23 Re W. The White Lie. California, 1982. ?. 50.

24 Ostling R. T. The Church of the Liberal Borrowings// Time. — 1982. — 2 ???. ?. 49.

25 Ibidem.

26 Ibidem.