«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

2.1. The history of the sect from the emergence to the death of Russell

2.2. The history of the sect from the death of Russell to the death of Rutherford

2.3. History of the sect from Rutherford's death to the present

2.4. The Structure of the Sect and the Methods of Its Registration in Different Countries

2.5. The Activities of the Sect "Jehovah's Witnesses" in Russia and in Other Countries

2.5.1. A Brief History of the Activities of the Russian "Jehovah's Witnesses"

2.5.2. Rules and Regulations Restricting the Conduct of Jehovah's Witnesses

2.5.3. The Attitude of Jehovah's Witnesses to the Bible

2.5.4. On the ban on blood transfusion

2.5.5. On the Economic Basis of Cult Activity

2.6. False "prophecies" about the Second Coming

2.7. On the mental health of members of the sect "Jehovah's Witnesses"

2.8. Translations of the Holy Scriptures of Jehovah's Witnesses

Chapter 3. An Analysis of the Basic Theological Opinions of the Watch Tower Society

3.1. About the Holy Trinity

3.2. On the Divine Nature of the Lord Jesus Christ

3.3. On the Divinity of the Holy Spirit

3.4 On the possibility of attributing the Name of JHWH to all the Persons of the Holy Trinity (Recommendations for the construction of polemics on the Trinitarian topic)

3.5. On the Immortality of the Soul

3.6. The Doctrine of Hell and Eternal Torment

3.7. On the Incarnation of God the Word (How Jehovah's Witnesses Present

this Incarnation for yourself?)

3.8. The Sacraments of the Church and Jehovah's Witnesses

3.8.1. On Baptism

3.8.2. About the Priesthood