The Book of Ecclesiastes in Russian Translation from the Greek Text LXX, with Notes

11. The words of the wise are like sharp sticks for oxen[399] and like nails driven in[400], and for folding they are given from the One Shepherd[401].

12. And in addition to this[402]: my son! beware of compiling many books, for there will be no end, and great learning[403] is tiresome for the body.

13. Listen to the end of the whole word: fear God and keep His commandments, for in this everything is for man[404].

14. For God will bring all created things[405] to judgment[406] for all neglect,[407] whether for good or for bad[408].



Slav. abundance, gr. per… sseia — lit. profit, surplus, remainder. This is one of the main themes of the book.


Slav. Present. Bp. It is worth correspondingly. vulg. stat and Heb. Present. adj., and according to Gr. pr. vr. ›sthkej: It has become forever.


G. œlkei - Slav. It is drawn and irresistibly and irresistibly moves.


This is raised there, lit. When the light begins to fall, we deviate from the Synod. translation, for the beauty of speech.


The whole earth. This sentence is attributed to the sun by Gregory Nys. and Gregory the Wonderwork, in the Synod. and among the Hebraists it belongs to the Vetra. G. kuklo‹ kuklîn lit. whirling whirling; Slav. goes around the corresponding. vulg. in circuitu pergit.


According to the interpreters, there is a monotony in the direction of the Palestine winds. Use. Jbeil. V, 8 note.


Letters. they return to flow, i.e. either in the sight of rain (Job 36:27), or through subterranean veins.