The Book of Ecclesiastes in Russian Translation from the Greek Text LXX, with Notes

4. And the doors of the market place[379] will be shut, when the sound of the mill is weak,[380] and it will rise at the song of the bird,[381] and all the organs of singing will be weakened[382].

5. And on the way to the heights[383] they will look on with terror,[384] and the almonds will blossom,[385] and the locusts will grow thick, and the caper will be dissolved,[386] for a man goes to his eternal house, and the mourners surround him in the square.

6. Until the silver splinter[387] was torn and the golden bandage was torn[388], and the waterpot at the spring was broken, and the wheel over the well was broken[389].

7. And the dust will return to the earth, as it was, and the spirit will return to God, who gave it[390].

8. Vanity of vanities, said Ecclesiastes, all is vanity[391].

9. Besides being wise, Ecclesiastes taught men[392] by knowledge, and with his ear he traced[393] the beauty[394] of parables[395].

10. Ecclesiastes took great care to find elegant sayings,[396] and an accurate record (of them),[397] and true words[398].

11. The words of the wise are like sharp sticks for oxen[399] and like nails driven in[400], and for folding they are given from the One Shepherd[401].

12. And in addition to this[402]: my son! beware of compiling many books, for there will be no end, and great learning[403] is tiresome for the body.

13. Listen to the end of the whole word: fear God and keep His commandments, for in this everything is for man[404].

14. For God will bring all created things[405] to judgment[406] for all neglect,[407] whether for good or for bad[408].
