The Book of Ecclesiastes in Russian Translation from the Greek Text LXX, with Notes


According to the interpreters, there is a monotony in the direction of the Palestine winds. Use. Jbeil. V, 8 note.


Letters. they return to flow, i.e. either in the sight of rain (Job 36:27), or through subterranean veins.


G. oƒ lÒgoi — words, we use the synod. transl. and explanation by Grieg. Chudotv. lÒgoi kaˆ pr£gmata.


G. œgkopoi — weary, slavic. difficult, i.e. they are in continuous motion and tire the person watching them. Viguru. Uk. cit. 2, 888-889 pages.


Letters. He will not see enough and will not listen to his fill.


Often changing, but also repeating, barely perceptible, sights and sounds.


Slav. transl. in the positive form does not correspond. Hebrew, Gr. and the Latin text, where the question is: What happened? Then it shall be, What has been done? then it will be done: t... gegonÕj; aÙtÕ tÕ genhsÒmenon. t… tÕ pepoihmšnon; aÙtÕ tÕ poihqhsÒmenon.


In fact...


That is, he himself, it is true, did not see this and this is "news" for him personally, but in fact, for the aggregate history of mankind, it is far from being news.


Slav. gen. p. of the first corresponding. vulg. priorum, and according to Gr. D. P. Prètoij.


Slav. According to Gr. e"j t3/4n ™sc£thn — at the end of the world, in the last times. By that time, all will be forgotten alike: both ancient and new people and generations.