The Book of Ecclesiastes in Russian Translation from the Greek Text LXX, with Notes

G. ginomšnon — Slav. Sometimes, according to v. 14 and Heb. t. we attach the meaning of "events and deeds", and not "phenomena and objects".


G. ponhrÕn - Slav. slyly, according to the context and production from pÒnoj — in the LXX: labor, work, burden, — we deviate from the Slavs. meaning.


PerispasmÕn - Slav. Care.


G. toà perisp©sqai — to exercise, to be distracted, i.e., to engage in the study of the world and the moral explanation of the "deeds" that take place in it.


G. proa… resij — slav. arbitrariness, arbitrary-free choice, and here: causeless and aimless, arbitrary attempts of man to find purpose and meaning in his life, as well as in the life of all mankind and the whole world.


Slav. Corrected in accordance with the Decree. vulg. corriguntur, and according to Gr. kosmhqÁnai (Alex.) or ™pikosmhqÁtai (Vat. and others) — to be considered beautiful, to adorn oneself.


G. Østšrhma - Slav. deprivation, lacking, absent.


"Cannot be numbered among what is." Grigory Nys. After the report from 7:30, where the sins of people are recognized as the source and cause of the appearance in the world of vanity and deprivation of "righteousness (eÙqÁ)" and it is possible to see here an indication of sin, which brought "distortion" into the world. Therefore, it is in vain to try to find order and beauty in this "insane asylum" (Arch. Innocent).


Ezhe reshchi.


Kings and princes (I. Joshua 12:10), who ruled in Jerusalem, including Melchizedek (B. 14:18) and his successors.