Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse


(1) Песнь благодарения[242]. Восклицайте Богу, вся земля! (2) Служите Богу с радостью, приходите к Нему с песнопением! (3) Познайте, что Бог – Всесильный, что Он сотворил нас, и мы – Его, Его народ и овцы паствы Его. (4) Входите во врата Его с благодарением, во дворы Его – с хвалою. Благодарите Его, благословляйте имя Его, (5) ибо Бог добр: милосердие Его вовек, вера Его из поколения в поколение.


(1) Давида песнь. Милосердие и суд буду петь, Тебя, Бог, буду воспевать[243]. (2) Буду размышлять о пути непорочном: «Когда же он откроется мне?»[244]. Буду ходить в непорочности сердца моего посреди дома моего[245]. (3) Не поставлю пред глазами моими вещи мерзкой, делать извращенное я ненавижу: не прилепится оно ко мне. (4) Сердце извращенное да будет удалено от меня, зла не хочу знать. (5) Того, кто тайно клевещет на ближнего своего, уничтожу; высокомерного взглядом и надменного сердцем не потерплю. (6) Глаза мои [обращены] к верным земли, чтобы они пребывали при мне. Тот, кто ходит путем непорочности, – тот будет служить мне. (7) Не будет жить в доме моем обманщик, говорящий ложь не устоит пред глазами моими. (8) По утрам буду уничтожать всех злодеев земли, чтобы искоренить из города Бога всех творящих беззаконие.


(1) The prayer of the poor, when he is discouraged, and pours out his sorrow before God. (2) God! Hear my prayer, let my cry come to Thee! (3) Do not hide your face from me, in the day of my trouble incline your ear to me, in the day when I call, hear me quickly. (4) For my days have vanished like smoke, my bones are burned as in a hearth. (5) My heart is bruised and withered like grass, for I have forgotten to eat my bread. (6) At the voice of my groaning, my bones stuck together with my flesh. (7) I have become like an owl in the wilderness, I have become like an owl in the ruins. (8) I was in a hurry to run away, I became like a lonely bird on the roof. 9 All day long my enemies revile me, and those who laugh at me swear by me.247 (10) For I eat ashes like bread, and I dissolve my drink with tears. (11) From your wrath, from your indignation, for you lifted me up and threw me away. (12) My days are like a shadow on a slope, I am withered like grass. (13) But you, O God, abide forever, the remembrance of you from generation to generation. (14) Arise, then, and have mercy on Zion! For it is time to have mercy on him, for the time has come. (15) For your servants have coveted his stones, and they love his dust. (16) So that the nations may fear the name of God, and all the kings of the earth may fear your glory. (17) When God restores Zion, he will appear in his glory. (18) He will turn to the prayer of the broken, and will not despise his supplication. (19) This will be written down for the last generation, so that the new people may praise God. (20) For he has looked down from the height of his holiness, God has looked down from heaven to the earth, (21) to hear the groaning of the prisoners, to set the death row free, (22) to proclaim the name of God in Zion, his praise in Jerusalem, (23) when the nations are gathered together, the kingdoms to serve God. (24) He has worn out my strength in the way, he has shortened my days. (25) But I say: "My Almighty! Do not take me away in the middle of my days. You, whose years are forever and ever. (26) In the beginning you founded the earth, and the heavens are the work of your hands. (27) They will be lost, but you will remain. And all of them, like a dress, will become dilapidated. Thou shalt change them as garments, and they shall pass away. (28) But you are still the same, and your years will not end. (29) The sons of your servants will remain, and their descendants will be established before you."


(1) David. Bless God, O my soul, all my inward parts are the name of His holiness. (2) Bless God, O my soul, and forget not His blessings. (3) He who forgives all your sins, heals all your diseases. (4) He who delivers your life from destruction, surrounds you with mercy and goodness. (5) Him who fills your mouth with good things; Thy youth is renewed like an eagle. (6) God does justice and justice to all who are wronged. (7) He told Moses his ways, and his creatures to the children of Israel. (8) God is merciful and good, long-suffering and abundantly merciful. (9) He is not always indignant, nor does he ever exact. (10) He did not deal with us according to our sins, nor did He repay us according to our sins. (11) For as the heavens are exalted above the earth, so is his mercy exalted over those who fear him. (12) As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us. (13) As a father has pity on his sons, so God has pity on those who fear him. (14) For he knows our disposition, remembers that we are dust. (15) Man's days are like grass; Like the flower of the field, so it blooms. (16) As soon as the wind passes over it, it is gone, and its place will no longer recognize it. (17) But God's mercy is from age to age over those who fear him, and his justice is upon the children of the children, (18) who keep his covenant and remember his commandments to keep them. (19) God has established his throne in heaven, and his kingdom is the ruler of all things. (20) Bless God, His messengers, mighty heroes, who do His word, obeying the voice of His word. (21) Bless God, all his armies, his servants who do his will; (22) Bless God, all His creatures, in all the places of His dominion. Bless God, O my soul!
