Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

Give my feet firmness, O righteous God!

Save me, shielding me with wings,

Spread them high above me.

Save me from the forces that trouble me,

The temptations that surround me,

Protect us, O God, as the apple of your eye.

On the assembly of those who bless Thee

Let God's grace flow from heaven,

Save us who glorify Thee,

From those who shun Thy right hand.

What is Thy law and judgment to the wicked?

Those who are haughty, they will not heed Thee.

Hiding like lions, they roar and wait,

To jump to knock me to the ground.

O Lord, arise and crush

By the sword of these impious legions,

Accomplish the salvation of my soul

And many souls created by Thee.

N. Basovsky


Hear, O Lord, in the weeping of the earth, find out, O Lord, how men live;

And, heeding my lamentation, believe the prayers that are not false.

Let judgment come out of Thee for me: direct a stern gaze upon the earth;

and let your eyes see who is right among us and who is wrong.

Behold, Thou hast examined my soul — Thou wast with me tonight —

And I did not find malice in her, but only earthly zeal:

according to Thy Holy word I have chosen my paths;

so that I do not stagger against them, Protect and strengthen me.

I believe Thou shalt hear me when I call upon Thee;

bow down, I beseech Thee, draw nearer, and I trust in mercy

day and night: the Lord will wave his right hand

and he will hide the righteous from those who rebel against God.

O Most High God, I beseech you not to be cruel to me;

Guard me, as I guard the apple of my eye on the night journey.