Psalms-Psalter in translations (arrangements) in verse

My enemy almost overcame me,

He was stronger than me, he knew how to

He was thirsty for blood, thirsty for the swift revenge,

But Thou wast my support, O Lord,

And that's the only reason why I survived.

Enemies have risen, destroying my life,

But on my black day I had enough strength

Only because Thou didst please

To me because I was obedient to You.

The Lord has rewarded me according to my purity

Because I have not sinned against him,

That in my heart I did not do wrong,

I did not flee from the commandments of God,

In sin I did not transgress His statute.

I warned my way against lies,

He did not stain his soul with sins,

And He has rewarded me according to my righteousness,

In purity before His eyes.

You, O God, are merciful with the merciful,

Thou doest righteousness to the righteous;

But through wickedness you repay the wicked;

With the hard-hearted, you are hard-hearted.

Thou shalt not judge him who is pure harshly

And you exalt those who are oppressed.

And to those who are proud, who are haughty,

Thou hast humbled the eye of the haughty.

My eye, O God, is not haughty,

For this, my lamp invariably

You kindle, enlighten the darkness,

If you are with me, I climb the walls,

Nor am I afraid of the most terrible enemy.

O Lord, Thy palace is bright,

And the word is pure, though sometimes strict.

Is there a God in the world besides God?

And who is our defense but God?