The Holy Scriptures of the Old Testament

And here, too, the connection between mercy and piety is obvious, mercy is not born out of nowhere. In these examples we find confirmation of the idea expressed earlier that the main interest of the book is not in the improvement of everyday life, but in the teaching of righteousness.

The compilation of such selections shows that the human soul is simple. It is no coincidence that the Lord requires chastity. It does not turn out that there is one virtue without others. We begin to collect sayings about one virtue, but it attracts all the others. We begin to make a selection about sin – and pull out a whole net. One sin, one passion will start in the soul – and you can be sure that it will lead to all the others. The inculcation of virtue requires the diligence of one or another in all spheres.

Среди подборок изречений о добродетели первое место должна занимать та, которая посвящена любви. И тут мы наталкиваемся на новую загадку. Слово «любовь» встречается всего несколько раз. Получается, что любовь так мало интересовала приточника? Конечно, нет. Любовь пронизывает эту книгу, призывающую возлюбить премудрость. Можно сказать, что Книга притчей является большой загадкой о любви, которую вдумчивый читатель должен разгадать.

Такое устройство Книги Соломоновых притчей очень для нас полезно. Ведь круг человеческих помышлений часто однообразен и замкнут. Нам сложно выскочить из этого привычного круговращения мысли, который с годами начинает казаться естественным и единственно возможным. И вот Книга притчей прекращает этот бег по кругу. Неожиданная смена тем, незаметные повторы, яркие сравнения не дают нам возможности зацикливаться на чем‑то одном. И вот мысль наша раскрылась и уже пошла по тем путям, по которым нас ведет Писание. А оно нас ведет к созерцанию добродетели в ее целостности, целомудрии и любви.

Книга притчей так устроена для того, чтобы душа, потрудившись, сделалась чище и лучше и приобрела полезный навык поиска и созерцания истины.

Цитаты из Книги притчей в Новом Завете. Несколько цитат из Книги притчей встречается в Посланиях апостольских.

В Послании апостола Иакова в 4–й главе (Иак. 4: 6) и в Первом послании апостола Петра (1 Петр. 5: 5): «Бог гордым противится, а смиренным дает благодать», – тоже из 3–й главы Книги притчей (Притч. 3: 34).

In the First Epistle of the Apostle Peter: "And if the righteous are scarcely saved, where will the ungodly and sinner appear?" (1 Peter 4:18) is also a quotation from the Book of Proverbs, from the 11th chapter (Proverbs 11:31) and is also quoted in accordance with the Greek text.

In the Second Epistle of the Apostle Peter in the 2nd chapter: "But it happens to them according to the true proverb: The dog returns to his vomit, and the washed pig goes to wallow in the mud" (2 Peter 2:22) – also a quote from the Book of Proverbs (Proverbs 26:11).

In the Epistle to the Romans in the 12th chapter: "Therefore, if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him to drink: for in doing this you will heap burning coals on his head" (Romans 12:20) – this is a quote from the 25th chapter of the Book of Proverbs (Proverbs 25:21-22).

In the Epistle to the Hebrews in the 12th chapter it says: "You have not yet fought unto blood, struggling against sin, and you have forgotten the consolation that is offered to you as sons: My son! Do not despise the chastisement of the Lord, and do not lose heart when He rebukes you. For the Lord chastens whom He loves; and he smites every son whom he receives" (Hebrews 12:4-6) – this is the 3rd chapter (Proverbs 3:11-12), and the Book of Proverbs is quoted from the text of the Septuagint, and not from the Masoretic.

You can also study parables according to liturgical use, paying attention to how they are used in paremias. We have already said that the Greek word "paremia" itself means "parable". Thus, the Book of Proverbs gives a name to all the Old Testament readings during divine services.

Paremias from the Book of Proverbs are read at services to the Cross, the Mother of God, and the saints.

Parables are read during divine services on all weekdays of Great Lent. According to Professor A. Olesnitsky, "after the Psalms, the Church more often than other Old Testament books offers the book of Proverbs for reading, especially in the days of St. John. Forty days, since, according to the testimony of St. Gregory and other Fathers, the teaching of the Book of Proverbs imparts spiritual flexibility in the feats of holy life. In the days of fasting and repentance, more than ever, man recognizes himself as a pilgrim who has no abiding city, and the book of Proverbs, or, according to its Greek name, the paremia, contains, as the ancient interpreters explain, precisely the parting words of the road to pilgrims" [57, p. 73].