«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

Answer: "Since the child is very small, and a number of five digits would not fit on a small hand. Children did not have separate numbers, they had the same numbers that adults had, in other words, a serial number."

Younger, middle-aged and older children received a digital stamp on their hand along with adults. Living witnesses to the crimes of the Nazis are alive to this day.

From the section "Secret points for the extermination of civilians":

"We were sent to a large barracks, then to a disinfection chamber. There we were tattooed with a serial number on our left arm. Then we were transferred to a large room, where we were kept under steam, and then under icy water...

In the morning, at roll call, everyone was called by numbers, after which the women were sent to the commandant's office, and they were never seen again. A few days later, their clothes were placed in a clothing warehouse..."87

Such are the terrible lessons of history, which are now consigned to oblivion. The loss of historical memory and the lack of proper sobriety vividly characterize the state of modern Russian society.

With the almost complete silence of the people, zealous officials, acting with all kinds of unrighteous deception (2 Thess. 2:10), carry out a blanket branding of Russian citizens, assigning lifelong and posthumous depersonalizing taxpayer identification numbers and other digital identifiers even to newborn babies. Below it will be proven that sooner or later the identification number will be applied to the human body. The analogy with the branding of prisoners of fascist death factories is obvious.

Thus, the actions of the builders of the world's electronic concentration camp actually correspond to the crimes of Hitler's military. This was recalled by many participants in the All-Russian conferences, in which bishops, clergymen, monastics and representatives of the people of God of the Russian Orthodox Church took part. Among them are representatives of the scientific community with academic degrees of doctors and candidates of sciences, well-known public figures (including deputies of the State Duma), lawyers, sociologists, high-ranking military personnel, Orthodox writers.

Round table in the State Duma 6.02.2006

The State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation held a number of Round Tables and Parliamentary Hearings on the problems of globalization and digital identification, at which the author of this book made plenary reports: "Electronic Slavery: Who is For?", "The Great Lie of Globalism", "Today It Is Not Too Late to Stop Lawlessness" and others published in the Parliamentary Collections and the media. At these representative meetings, it was irrefutably proven that the integration of Russia into the system of a global electronic concentration camp leads to the destruction of state sovereignty, the economic independence of our state and the transformation of each citizen into a controlled appendage of an automatically operating cybernetic system.

In particular, on February 6, 2006, in the Small Hall of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on Okhotny Ryad, a meeting of the Round Table was held to develop recommendations for the draft laws "On Personal Data" and "On Information, Information Technologies and Information Protection". More than 200 people took part in the work, including deputies, representatives of interested Committees of the State Duma, representatives of public and religious organizations, representatives of the generals, specialists in the field of information technology and other branches of science, lawyers, sociologists and media representatives. About 20 reports were heard. Almost all the authors subjected the above-mentioned bills to sharp criticism, which was reflected in the Final Document.88

The greatest controversy and rejection by all segments of Russian society was caused by the draft law "On Personal Data". Numerous speeches pointed out the inadmissibility of adopting this bill on the basis of a concept that violates the fundamental constitutional rights of citizens and poses a threat to the national security of Russia. Only some of the statements of the participants in this Round Table can be cited.89

Deputy of the State Duma V.S. Romanov: "Breakthroughs in technology and science are ahead of the development of morality... The adoption of laws regarding personal data creates unlimited opportunities for supranational structures... »