«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

A message from the "Standardization" section posted on the official website of the Visa payment system also says a lot:

"The distribution and acceptance of Visa cards with a magnetic stripe around the world has become possible due to the implementation and compliance of the payment industry with a single global standard.

That is why Visa, together with Europay and Master Card, has developed the EMV industry standard (Europay, Master Card, Visa) for payment chip cards with credit and debit applications. The use of the EMV standard means that chip cards will be accepted in retail and service networks and ATMs around the world and will continue to be as widespread as magnetic stripe cards.

Visa also initiated the creation of a single industry standard for supporting multiple applications on a single card with dynamic changes in the parameters and number of applications hosted. This standard was originally called the Open Platform. As more manufacturers and other payment systems, including American Express, JCB, and Master Card International, joined the multi-purpose card standard, Visa's initiative grew into an international association called the Global Platform."93

Thus, international payment systems are united into a single global super system that practically covers all banks, trade and service enterprises and ATMs throughout the world. In Russia, people are still attracted to this "global supermarket" in two ways - voluntarily and forcibly (by transferring wages to a debit card) and by all sorts of persuasion.

This is confirmed by reports published in many media and posted on Internet portals, colorfully describing the benefits that a person brings to entering the entire community of participants in the global system of electronic non-cash payments. By hook or by crook, this system sucks in frivolous people who do not suspect what consequences its final implementation can lead to. Mythical discounts, unrighteous interest, "security", "free services" and other pleasures of this world are offered to a person in exchange for freedom. This will be discussed in more detail below. In the meantime, articles with titles like "Why a credit card is better than cash", "Get discounts on a credit card" and "An electronic wallet is more convenient than cash" flood newspapers, magazines and the Internet. By the way, in the last article there is a section "Traveling abroad... It specifically states:

"A card obtained from a Russian bank and opened in rubles can be used anywhere in the world where bank cards are serviced;

It is possible to receive cash from your ruble cards in the national currency of the country in which the cardholder is located." 94

Another article says: "Travelers appreciate the advantages of the cards. The law allows you to carry no more than 10 thousand dollars in cash across the border. And "on plastic" you can withdraw any amount."95

So, a global standard card obtained in Russia can be used in Delhi and Rio de Janeiro, in Sydney and Chicago, in Cairo and Tokyo, in Beijing and Monaco... Convincing and tempting, isn't it? But was it not what the devil offered to Christ, showing Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory: "All these things I will give unto Thee, if thou wilt fall down and worship me" (Matt. 4:8-9)?..

The voice of truth sounded as early as December 29, 2003 in the Message of the Holy Synod of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Moscow Patriarchate: "The current process of codification of the civilian population directly concerns the political and economic activities of citizens. It is introduced in forms that have typological similarities with the limitations of apocalyptic times... Since in the context of Divine Revelation we are shown the eschatological orientation and the destructiveness of all-round technical control over the individual, we cannot be indifferent to its introduction... In the religious context, these actions of the authorities acquire an apocalyptic component, which can be regarded as conscious or unintentional assistance in the creation of a technical base conducive to the enthronement of the Antichrist..."96 In this way, a correct assessment was given to the events related to the entire process of digital identification of the individual—the construction of the kingdom of the Antichrist.

In our days, the world's practical experience has irrefutably proved that the digital identifier of a person has the same properties and carries the same functions as the apocalyptic mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name (Rev. 13:17). It is assigned to all, small and great, rich and poor... (Rev. 13:16). Without it, in a number of countries, a person cannot get a job, receive a pension, access to material goods, education, medical services, transport and other vital resources, and in short, neither buy nor sell (Rev. 13:17). Moreover, in the automatic identification of any objects of record in the system, in particular people and information about them, the apocalyptic number of the beast "666" is used, which is irremovably present in the barcodes of the global standard for automatic identification EAN-13, and in the electronic exchange of data on the objects recorded, the "666" access mode to the information transmitted over electronic networks is used.

Personal data recorded in the database have their own machine designation or naming. Federal Law No152-FZ "On Personal Data" in Article 13, paragraph 2 allows "the use of various ways to indicate the ownership of personal data... to a specific subject of personal data". For a machine, such naming of personal data is also data, or rather, data about data is metadata.

For a person, if he is the carrier of such data, responds to them in the so-called "manual" mode (naming them, reading or filling in the appropriate column) or in automatic mode (with automatic identification, when the machine reads this data on its own from the document or the body of a person), this metadata is already a new name. To distinguish ordinary data, which can also be read automatically, from personal data identifiers or identification codes, the machine is helped by special symbols, sewn into each barcode in accordance with the international standard EAN-13 "Automatic Identification". These signs-symbols are three sixes (the apocalyptic number "666"), which are irreducibly present in each such barcode, without mixing with the information about the identifier code itself. This metadata metadata carries information about who will be served by those who have adopted and used these new names, information about the future master of the system, the Antichrist.