Jesus the Unknown

"This food, with which our flesh and blood are nourished, in transubstantiation – κατάμεταβολήν (in the "transfiguration", "metamorphosis" of matter) – is the flesh and blood of Jesus Himself," teaches Justin Martyr, according to the "Memoirs of the Apostles" – the Gospels. [811]

"This bread is a medicine for eternal life, an antidote to death," teaches Ignatius the God-bearer, a disciple of the Lord's disciples. [812] This means: with the Body and Blood in the Eucharist, as it were, a new substance entered the world; The new body was added to the simple chemical bodies, or more precisely, the new state of all the transfigured bodies, the substances of the world.

"Behold My Body, which is broken for you," says the Lord not only to all men, but also to all creation.

for the whole creation groans together and is tormented until now... in the hope that she will be freed from the slavery of corruption into freedom... children of God (Romans 8:22, 21).

This is what the Eucharist – Love – Freedom means; this is what the unknown name of the Unknown Christ means: the Liberator.


What mankind has been looking for since the beginning of time is found here, in the Upper Room.

In the Passover of the Jews, the borrowed mystery of the Sacrifice God, Osiris (aka Tammuz, Adonis, Attis, Dionysus, Mithras), probably survived from the Egyptians; a mystery that goes back to immemorial, prehistoric antiquity – to the "first religion" of all mankind. [813] The Passover lamb is "the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world."

Our Pascha is stabbed – Christ. (1 Corinthians 5:7.)

Let us recall the mystery – Plato's myth about the people of the first lost humanity, the Atlanteans. "The ten kings of Atlantis met in the temple of Poseidon, where an orichalcum pillar with the writings of the law was erected... they brought the sacrificial bull to the stake... stabbed ... filled the cup with blood... and every one drank of it,"

. [814]

Everyone drank from it,