156. God permits all sorrows according to the measure of our dispensation. Bearing sorrows: the proud feel more, and the humble endure more easily

You describe your sorrows in your letter, but are you the only mortal who has only sorrows? No one will escape them, but not at the same time and not by equal measure. And God sends everything according to our dispensation: the proud feel it more, and the humble endure it more easily, because in the feeling of the heart they consider themselves worthy of it and do not blame anyone, but only themselves. Your sorrow increases, since you consider yourself equal to Metropolitan Arcadia and feel slavery. This thought is far from humble: imagine boys of different ages and ranks studying in the seminary, and then one bishop comes out, and the other remains a sacrificial clerk, and it happens that the latter is even higher than him in both rank and admission. The same thing happens in the service: being equal in the lower rank, one reaches the rank of general, and the other, with a minor rank, is promoted at the same time. Do the latter have the right to grieve for the former? Apply measures, sister, to your dispensation, and know your unjust reasoning.

Whether to lease the cell to you or to sell part of it, we cannot decisively determine. According to your needs, you can consult with Mother Arkady and, with the blessing of the Mother Abbess, do what is more convenient for you – the Lord will bless you.

March 7, 1837 (?).

157. It is impossible without sorrows. For the fulfillment of the canon, the Lord is able to grant forgiveness

In two of your letters you write about your grief over the disorder of the neighboring cell, which is why yours also demands the construction of a porch and a porch. We see that you grieve, grumble, blame others and are confused, which you will not harm them in the least, and you will not help yourself, and yet you must build up, only with damage to your spiritual structure, and if you accepted this visit with patience, you could take advantage of it.

If you acknowledge yourself to be a sinner, then you know that there are many wounds to the sinner, and when you are righteous, then it is written: "Many are the sorrows of the righteous" (Psalm XXXIII, 20). Wherever you turn, you can't do without sorrow. Who arranges them? God Himself provides for everyone and governs everything, but whoever accepts it differently departs from the truth and is likened to the dumb.

In both letters you write about the reception of Stephanida into your cell; but who is Stephanida? We have no idea about it. On our part, God will bless when the boss deigns.

For the fulfillment of the canon due to you, the Lord is able to grant you forgiveness. Entrusting thee to His protection, we abide thy unworthy worshippers.

May 20, 1837.

158. Instructions to the dying. Sins occurred due to a lack of humility. Preparing for Death: Repent and Humble Yourself

The feeling of your illness makes you think about approaching death, which is a good thing. The Scriptures say: "Remember thy last" (cf. Sir. XXVIII, 6), thou shalt never sin. At the same time, remembering your former sins, repent, and humble yourself, and think about what the sins came from, because you did not have humility. And we say: humble yourself, and the Lord will have mercy on you. According to your spiritual will, it is impossible to fulfill it, for according to the laws it has no force, and with the grace of the mother abbess, it is possible to dispose of it. After your death, your parents and sister have no right to your cells, it belongs to the monastery. Our advice is to write to you, so that she will show mercy after your death to sell and pay your debt of 100 rubles to her. The Church itself will pray to God for you every day, as it prays for the creators of this holy church. Give the icon also to your monastery, have moderate sorrow for your brethren, believing in God's Providence that He heals your souls in the opposite. Be good-natured and calm.

July 17, 1837.

159. Do everything with the blessing of the abbess. You must mature yourself and reconcile with your sister