In both letters you write about the reception of Stephanida into your cell; but who is Stephanida? We have no idea about it. On our part, God will bless when the boss deigns.

For the fulfillment of the canon due to you, the Lord is able to grant you forgiveness. Entrusting thee to His protection, we abide thy unworthy worshippers.

May 20, 1837.

158. Instructions to the dying. Sins occurred due to a lack of humility. Preparing for Death: Repent and Humble Yourself

The feeling of your illness makes you think about approaching death, which is a good thing. The Scriptures say: "Remember thy last" (cf. Sir. XXVIII, 6), thou shalt never sin. At the same time, remembering your former sins, repent, and humble yourself, and think about what the sins came from, because you did not have humility. And we say: humble yourself, and the Lord will have mercy on you. According to your spiritual will, it is impossible to fulfill it, for according to the laws it has no force, and with the grace of the mother abbess, it is possible to dispose of it. After your death, your parents and sister have no right to your cells, it belongs to the monastery. Our advice is to write to you, so that she will show mercy after your death to sell and pay your debt of 100 rubles to her. The Church itself will pray to God for you every day, as it prays for the creators of this holy church. Give the icon also to your monastery, have moderate sorrow for your brethren, believing in God's Providence that He heals your souls in the opposite. Be good-natured and calm.

July 17, 1837.

159. Do everything with the blessing of the abbess. You must mature yourself and reconcile with your sister

You write about your sister's indignation at you for your journey to your brothers and for the anger you feel against her. Although you boast of your ostensibly heroic feat and affection for the brethren, we cannot approve of this: how can a convent girl dare to undertake such an undertaking without the blessing of her superior?

If something contrary happened to you and the monastery suffered trouble, what would you dare to do? Can you help the brothers with your presence? Pray to God for them and leave them to His judgment: He is righteous and punishes no one without righteousness. If they are justified, thank God for this and ask Him to strengthen them henceforth on the path of righteousness. And so, you must mature yourself and reconcile yourself with your sister. It is good that you have such a meek abbess, and the other would have acted differently.

Do not dare to undertake such undertakings in the future, we wish you to become wiser, otherwise I will be wise, a fool.

September 25, 1837.

160. In sorrows one must be pacified, trusting in God's Providence. Be more concerned about the salvation of your soul

You write about your sorrows among your brethren, but this is no longer new to you — you must be pacified in sorrows, relying on God's Providence, which all acts according to His humane justice: He is able to justify innocence; if he punishes, it is not without reason, and although not for this fault, it is certainly for another. But this He does, that He may save their souls, but you, not understanding this, are troubled and troubled in vain, and thereby sin. Be more concerned about the salvation of your soul, for which you have dwelt in this monastery: you have many tares in your field, try to pluck them out and bring forth good fruit.

You labor in vain to ask our blessing to come to our monastery: we have no right to bless or forbid anyone who comes and arrives — the inn and rest are ready according to the local custom, which you know enough, and you have information from others.