1 Foreword

2 Letters to Aquilina Ivanovna Cherkasova and Lyubov Nikolaevna

2.1 1. Patience of other people's infirmities. Obedience is not given above the strength

2.2 2. "There is neither male nor female: for you are all one in Christ Jesus" (Galatians 3:28). Obedience. You have not yet attained blessed obedience and the cutting off of your will

2.3 3. Needlework drives away despondency

2.4 4. Do not be upset if there is no answer for a long time

2.5 5. Properties of spiritual kinship. Do not be faint-hearted: encourage your soul with faith and hope in the Lord

2.6 6. It is necessary to reveal one's thoughts to one's spiritual father. Cowardice is tolerated for arrogance. Charm. Patience in rooting is beneficial

2.7 7. Advice on living together according to the commandments of God

2.8 8. Tests are given according to strength. Where there is patience, there is the intercession of grace and mercy

2.9 9. The test of moving fosters patience. Be drawn to the fulfillment of the commandments of the Lord. Advice when annoyed with another person. Prayer. Choosing a spiritual father according to the "feeling of the heart"

2.10 10. Train yourself to be patient. How to deal with a corroded prosphora. Awareness of one's infirmities. Where there is humility, there is salvation nearby. Advice about buying a house. Arbitrariness

2.11 11. The Sacrament of Communion and Confession. Do not despair: if you fall, rise up

2.12 12. Despondency

2.13 13. Flee from faint-heartedness and impatience

2.14 14. Fornicatory thoughts are allowed for the sins of condemnation. Patience

2.15 15. No matter how long you live in the world, you learn everything from events and do not rely on your own self-thinking. The weapon of struggle against indignation is prayer and patience. Preparation for Communion. Consequences of pride. Virginity: the preservation of body and soul. It is necessary to ask forgiveness from parents and have obedience to them

2.16 16. Murmuring is harmful to the soul and God-hating. Thank you for everything. Preparation for entering the monastery. At the service, joy is granted from the Lord. Temptation is overcome by humility, self-reproach and patience

2.17 17. "Blessed art thou, when they reproach you" (Matt. V, 11). When irritated, humble yourself. Compel the heart to obey and obey parents. Avoid temptations: it is better to find a quiet haven

2.18 18. The house of the soul is patience

2.19 19. Stay away from worldly temptations in order to avoid sorrows. The Saviour, in the form of the sick, accepts good deeds