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Both the love of Jesus Christ and His sufferings were so great that we cannot comprehend them, because we love the Lord little. But whoever loves more, can understand more about the sufferings of the Lord. There is small love, there is medium love, and there is perfect love; and the more perfect the love, the more perfect the knowledge.

In general, each of us can reason about God to the extent that he has come to know the grace of the Holy Spirit; for how can we think and reason about what we have not seen, or what we have not heard, and what we do not know? The Saints say that they have seen God; and there are people who say that there is no God. It is clear that they say this because they have not come to know God, but this does not mean that He does not exist.

The saints speak of what they have really seen and know. They don't talk about what they haven't seen. They do not say, for example, that they have seen a horse as long as a mile, or a steamer ten versts long, which is not the case. And I think that if God did not exist, then there would be no mention of Him on earth; but people want to live according to their own will, and therefore they say that there is no God, and by this they prove that He exists.

And among the pagans, the soul felt that God exists, although they did not know how to worship the true God. But the Holy Spirit taught the Holy Prophets, then the Apostles, then our Holy Fathers and Bishops, and thus the true faith has come down to us. And we came to know the Lord by the Holy Spirit, and when we did, the soul was established in Him.

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The soul that has come to know the Lord invisibly feels the presence of its Creator and is very calm and joyful in Him. And what can this joy be likened to? It is as if a beloved son from a distant land, after a long separation, returns to his father's house and converses with his dear father and beloved mother, and with dear brothers and sisters.

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O people, God's creation, know the Creator. He loves us. Know the love of Christ, and live in peace, and rejoice the Lord with this. He graciously awaits everyone to Himself.

Turn to Him, all the peoples of the earth, and offer up your prayers to God; and the prayer of the whole earth will go to heaven like a beautiful quiet cloud illuminated by the sun, and then all the heavens will rejoice, and sing a song of magnification to the Lord for His sufferings, with which He has saved us.

Know, O nations, that we are created for the glory of God in heaven, and do not cleave to the earth, for God is our Father and loves us as dear children.

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The Merciful Lord gave the Holy Spirit to earth, and by the Holy Spirit the Holy Church was established.

The Holy Spirit revealed to us not only the earthly, but also the heavenly.