V. Adamenko Service Book

Prayer for the departure of the soul.

"O Lord, Lord Almighty, Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, Who desires salvation for all men and the knowledge of the truth, Who desires not death for the sinner, but for his conversion and life. We pray and beseech Thee, release the soul of Thy servant (or Thy servant) from all bonds, free him (her) from all curse and forgive him (her) the sins committed from his youth in deed and word, consciously and unconsciously, both sincerely confessed, and concealed through forgetfulness or shame. For Thou alone loosest the bands of the bound and restore the prostrate, Thou alone is the hope of the desperate, and Who is able to forgive the sins of every man who trusts in Thee. Command, O Lord, that he (she) may be freed from the bonds of the flesh and sin. And receive into the kingdom of peace the soul of Thy servant (name) and give it rest in eternal abodes with Thy saints, by the grace of Thy Only-begotten Son, our Lord God and Saviour Jesus Christ, with Whom Thou art blessed, and with Thy Most-Holy, Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of eternity. Amen."

VII. From the rite of the funeral service (on Meatfare Saturday), pannikhida and burial of the dead.

Stanzas on "Lord I Have Cried", ch.8: 1. "Remembering all the dead, who from the beginning of the world have lived piously, let us, believers, sing praises to the Saviour and Lord, earnestly asking that they may give an answer in the hour of judgment to Him, our God Himself, the Judge of all who live on earth, and with joy be vouchsafed to stand on His right side, on the side of those who please Him, having received participation with the saints in His bright and eternally blessed Heavenly Kingdom." 2. "Saviour, Thou hast redeemed men with Thy blood, hast delivered us from bitter death by Thy death, and by Thy resurrection hast given us eternal life, give rest, O Lord, to all those who have died in piety, wherever they may end their lives, whether in deserts or cities, in the sea or on earth, all rulers, priests, bishops, monks, and laymen of all ages, and vouchsafe them Thy heavenly kingdom." 3. "Christ, through Thy resurrection death no longer possesses those who have died in godliness. Therefore we pray to Thee diligently: give rest to Thy servants (or Thy servant) in Thy blessed dwelling, where Abraham dwells, all who from Adam to the present day have served Thee faithfully, our fathers and brothers, friends and relatives together, and have migrated to Thee in many different ways. O God, vouchsafe them all Thy heavenly kingdom." Slava: "I cry and weep... p.247 (see below Samoglasny, ch.8). In the verse ibid., ch.6: "The beginning of my being... p.247»Stanzas on Praise, ch.8:

1. "Brethren, come before the end comes, consider all the weakness of our nature, all the insignificance of our bodily organs. What is all this? Dust, decay, food of worms. Let us peer into the grave corpses — where is the strength? Where is the beauty of the face? Where is the tongue that spoke intelligent speeches? Where is the shine and brightness of the eyes? "Everything has decayed!" O Saviour, have mercy on us all." 2. "Why does a man deceive himself by deceiving himself? That he fusses in vain; He is dust in a very short time. What will not think that it is no more than rot and decay, and that it will all be mingled with the earth? And if we, people, are rotten and dust, then why do we cling to the earth so much? Why do we not strive for Christ, to Whom we are so close? Oh, despising this limited, fleeting life, let us take care of the incorruptible life, which is Christ, the enlightenment of our souls!" Glory, ch. 2: "As the flower fades, as the shadow disappears, so flashes the life of everyone. And there, when the trumpet of the Archangel is sounded, the dead will all rise up and rush to meet Thee, O Christ God, then, O Lord, dwell the souls of those whom Thou hast already called from us, in Thy eternally blessed Abode."

The Great Litany. 1. "In peace let us pray to the Lord".2. For the sending of peace from above, the forgiveness of sins and the salvation of our souls, let us pray to the Lord." 3. "For the forgiveness of the sins of the deceased (deceased, deceased) in the hope of the blessedness of eternal life, let us pray to the Lord." 4. "On the gift to the servant of God (name... slave, slaves), peace, silence and blessed memory. Let us pray to the Lord." 5. "For the forgiveness of all his (her, their) sins, voluntary and involuntary, let us pray to the Lord." 6. "In order that he (she, them) may stand without condemnation before the majestic Throne of God's glory, let us pray to the Lord." 7. "For those who weep and mourn, who await Christ's consolation, let us pray to the Lord." 8. "Let us pray to the Lord for his (her, them's) deliverance from all illnesses, sorrows and spiritual sufferings, and for his (her's, theirs') residence where the light of God's face shone." 9. "That the Lord our God may dwell his (her, their) soul in the land of light, bliss and peace, where the righteous dwell, let us pray to the Lord." 10"For his (her, them) to dwell in the place of communion with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, let us pray to the Lord." 11. "That we may be delivered from all sorrow, wrath, and need, let us pray to the Lord." 12. "Protect, save, have mercy on us, and preserve us, O God, by Thy grace.... Having asked for God's mercy, the kingdom of heaven and the forgiveness of sins, let us commit ourselves, each other and our whole life to Christ our God."

Prayer at every litany. "O God of spirits and of all flesh, Who hast conquered death, Who hast destroyed the power of the devil, Who hast given life to Thy world. Thou Thyself, O Lord, give rest to the soul of Thy servant (name servant, slave). – If there is a general commemoration, then: His Holiness the Patriarchs, His Eminences the Metropolitans, Archbishops and Bishops, as well as those who served Thee in the priestly, ecclesiastical and monastic ranks, the creators of this holy church, the Orthodox forefathers, fathers, brothers and sisters, who lie here and everywhere; pious rulers, leaders, soldiers, brothers and sisters of mercy who laid down their lives in the war for faith and fatherland; the faithful, killed in internecine strife, drowned, burned, torn to pieces by beasts, who died suddenly without repentance and did not have time to reconcile with the Church and with their enemies; in the frenzy of the mind of the self-murdered; those for whom we have been asked to pray, for whom there is no one to pray, and the faithful who have been deprived of Christian burial – and put him (her, them) in places of light, bliss, peace, where there is no sickness, sorrow and spiritual suffering. As the Good and Loving God, forgive him (her, them) every sin committed by him (her, them) in word, or deed, or thought, for there is no person who would live and not sin, since Thou alone is sinless, and Thy justice is eternal justice and Thy word is truth. For Thou art the resurrection, life, and rest of Thy departed servants, O Christ our God, and to Thee we send glory together with Thy Father, and Thy Most Holy, Good, and Life-Giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

The Litany for Infants. 1. "We also pray for the repose of the blessed infant (name), that the Lord may vouchsafe him, according to His true promise, the kingdom of heaven." 2. "That the Lord God — "3. " We ask the mercy of God, the kingdom of heaven, the repose of Christ with the saints and ourselves from Christ, the Immortal King and our God."

Prayer for infants.

For Thou art the resurrection, life, and repose of all Thy servants and of the infant (name) who has now transmigrated, O Christ our God, and to Thee we send up glory, with Thy Father, Thy Most-Holy, Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages. Amen."

Verses on "Hallelujah": 1. "Blessed is he whom Thou hast chosen and brought near, that he may dwell in Thy courts." 2. "Memory of him for generations and generations". 3. "Their souls shall abide in good." Troparion, ch. 8: "With the deepest wisdom, according to love for mankind, Thou Who arranges all things and gives, One Creator! Give rest, O Lord, to the soul of Thy servant (slaves, slaves), who placed his hope in Thee, the Creator and Provider of our God." Glory even now: "In Thee we have protection and refuge and a prayer acceptable to God, Whom Thou, the Virgin Mother of God, gave birth to for the salvation of the faithful."

Psalm 118 is sung with a division into three parts / refrains after each verse. In the first part, from verses 1-73, "Hallelujah"; on the second, from verses 73-102: have mercy on Thy servant (slave, slaves): on the third, from verse 102 to the end, "Saviour, save us."

Psalm 118. 1. "Blessed are the blameless in the way, and those who walk in the law of the Lord. 2. Blessed are those who keep His revelation, who seek Him with all their hearts. 3. They do not commit iniquity, they walk in His ways. 4. Thou hast commanded Thy commandments to be kept firmly. 5. Oh, that my ways would be directed to keep Thy statutes. 6. Then I would not be ashamed, looking at all your commandments; 7. I would praise you in righteousness of heart, learning the judgments of your righteousness. 8. I will keep Thy statutes, do not forsake me completely. 9. How a young man can keep his way pure by keeping himself according to Thy word. 10. With all my heart I seek You; do not let me deviate from Thy commandments. 11. In my heart I have hid Thy word, that I may not sin against Thee. 12. Blessed are you, O Lord, teach me your statutes. 13. With my mouth I have declared all the judgments of your mouth. 14. In the way of Thy revelations I rejoice, as in all riches. 15. I meditate on Thy commandments, and behold Thy ways. 16. By Thy statutes I am comforted; I do not forget Thy word. 17. Show mercy to Thy servant, and I will live and keep Thy word. 18. Open my eyes, and I will see the wonders of your law. 19. I am a wanderer on earth; do not hide from me Thy commandments. 20. My soul is weary because of the desire for Thy judgments at all times. 21. Thou hast tamed the proud, the damned, those who deviate from Thy commandments. 22. Take away from me reproach and shame, for I keep your testimonies. 2& Princes sit and conspire against me, but your servant meditates on your statutes. 24. Thy testimonies are my comfort, and Thy statutes are my counsellors. 25. My soul is cast into the dust, revive me according to Thy word. 26. I have made known my ways, and you have heard me; teach me Thy statutes. 27. Let me understand the way of Thy commandments, and I will meditate on Thy Miracles. 28. My soul faints from the hunch: strengthen; but to Thy word. 29. Remove from me the way of falsehood, and give me Thy law. 30. I have chosen the way of truth, I have set Thy judgments before me. 31. I have cleaved to your testimonies, O Lord, do not shame me. 32. I will flow in the way of Thy commandments when Thou hast enlarged my heart. 33. Show me, O Lord, the way of Thy statutes, and I will hold on to it to the end. 34. Enlighten me, and I will keep your law and keep it with all my heart. 35. Set me in the path of Thy commandments, for I have desired it. 36. Incline my heart to Thy revelations, and not to gain. 37. Turn away my eyes, so that I may not see vanity; give me life in Thy way. 38. Confirm Thy word to Thy servant for the sake of reverence for Thee. 39. Turn away my reproach, which I fear, for Your judgments are good. 40. Behold, I have desired Thy commandments, give me life by Thy righteousness. 41. May Thy mercies come to me, O Lord, Thy salvation according to Thy word. 42. And I will give an answer to him who reproaches me, for I trust in your word. 43. Do not take the word of truth completely out of my mouth, for I trust in Your judgments. 44. And I will keep your law always, forever and ever. 45. I will walk freely, for I have sought your commandments. 46. I will speak of Thy revelations before kings, and I will not be ashamed. 47. I will be comforted by Your commandments, which I have loved. 48. I will stretch out my hands to Thy commandments, which I have loved, and meditate on Thy statutes. 49. Remember Thy word to Thy servant, in which Thou hast commanded me to trust. 50. It is a consolation in my affliction, that Thy word quickens me. 51. The proud have mocked me exceedingly, but I have not deviated from Thy law. 52. I have remembered Thy judgments, O Lord, from all eternity and have been comforted. 53. Terror comes upon me at the sight of the wicked forsaking Thy law. 54. Thy statutes were my songs in the place of my wanderings. 55. At night I remembered Thy name, O Lord, and kept Thy law. 56. Od has become mine, for I keep Thy commandments. 57. My destiny,... Lord, I said, keep Thy words. 58. I prayed to Thee with all my heart: have mercy on me according to Thy word. 59. I have meditated on my ways and turned my feet towards; Thy revelations. 60. I hastened and did not hesitate to keep Your commandments. 61. The snares of the wicked have surrounded me, but I have not forgotten your law. 62. At midnight I arose to praise you for your righteous judgments. 63. I am a partaker of all who fear you and keep your conduct. 64. The earth is full of Thy mercy, O Lord; teach me Thy statutes. 65. Thou hast done good unto Thy servant, O Lord, according to Thy word. 66. Teach me good understanding and knowledge, for I believe in Your commandments. 67. Before my suffering I was in error, but now I keep Your word. 68. Good and beneficent art Thou, O Lord, teach me Thy statutes. 69. The proud weave lies against me; but I will keep thy commandments with all my heart. 70. Their hearts grew fat like a fat; but I am comforted by Thy law. 71. It is good for me that I have suffered in order to learn Thy statutes. 72. The law of Thy mouth is better for me than thousands of gold and silver. 73. Your hands created me and made me; Teach me, and I will learn Thy commandments. 74. Those who fear you will see me and rejoice that I trust in your word. 75. I know, O Lord, that Thy judgments are righteous, and that Thou hast punished me justly. 76. May Thy mercy be my consolation, according to Thy word to Thy servant. 77. May Your mercy come to me, and I will live, for Your law is my comfort. 78. Let the proud be ashamed, for they oppress me innocently; I meditate on Thy commandments. 79. May those who fear you and know your revelations turn to me. 80. Let my heart be blameless in Thy statutes, lest I be put to shame. 81. My soul faints for Thy salvation; I trust in Thy word. 82. My eyes are faint at Thy word; I say, "When will You comfort me?" 83. I have become like a bellows in smoke, but I have not forgotten Thy statutes. 84. How many days are your servant? When wilt thou execute judgment upon my persecutors? 85. The proud have dug me a pit contrary to Thy law. 86. All Thy commandments are truth; they persecute me unjustly; Help me. 87. They almost destroyed me on earth, but I did not forsake Your commandments. 88. By Thy mercy revive me, and I will keep the revelations of Thy mouth. 89. For ever, O Lord, Thy word is established in heaven. 90. Thy truth is for generations and generations: Thou hast set the earth, and it stands. 91. According to Thy decrees, all things stand to this day, for all things serve Thee. 92. If Your law were not my comfort, I would have perished in my affliction. 93. I will never forget Thy commandments, for by them Thou quickest me. 94. Thine I, save me; for I have sought thy commandments. 95. The wicked lie in wait for me to destroy me, but I delve into Thy revelations. 96. I have seen the limit of all perfection, but Your commandment is immeasurably vast. 97. How I love Thy law, I meditate on it all day long. 98. By Thy commandment Thou hast made me wiser than my enemies, for it is always with me. 99. I have become wiser than all my teachers, for I meditate on Thy revelations. 100. I am more versed than the elders, for I keep Thy commandments. 101. I keep my feet from every evil way, that I may keep Thy word. 102. I do not turn away from Thy judgments, for Thou teachest me. 103. How sweet are Thy words to my throat! better than honey to my lips. 104. By Thy commandments I have been admonished, therefore I hate every way of lying. 105. Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path. 106. I have cursed, I will keep Thy righteous judgments, and I will fulfill them. 107. I am greatly oppressed, O Lord, revive me according to Thy word. 108. Be pleased then, O Lord, to accept the voluntary sacrifice of my lips, and teach me Thy judgments. 109. My soul is constantly in danger in my hand, but I do not forget Thy law. 110. The wicked have set a snare for me, but I have not deviated from Thy commandments, 111. Thy testimonies I have received as an inheritance for ever: for they are the gladness of my heart. 112. I have inclined my heart to fulfill Thy statutes for ever, to the end. 11H. I hate the inventions of men, but I love Thy law. 114. Thou art my protection and my shield, in Thy word I trust. 115. Depart from me, you wicked ones, and I will keep the commandments of my God. 116. Strengthen me according to Thy word, and I will live; Shame me not in my hope. 117. Sustain me, and I will be saved, and I will examine Thy statutes unceasingly. 118. All who deviate from Thy statutes, Thou hast deposed, for their subterfuge is a lie. 119. Thou hast swept away all the wicked of the earth like dross, therefore I have loved Thy revelations. 120. My flesh trembles with Thy fear, and I fear Thy judgments. 121. I have done justice and righteousness, do not deliver me over to my persecutors. 122. Protect Thy servant for his good, lest the proud oppress me. 123. My eyes are faint, waiting for Your salvation and the word of Your righteousness. 124. Do with Thy servant according to Thy mercy and teach me Thy statutes. 125. I am Thy servant: give me understanding, and I will know Thy revelations. 126. It is time for the Lord to act: Thy law has been destroyed. 127. But I love Thy commandments more than gold, and pure gold. 128. All Thy commandments I acknowledge to be just; I hate every way of lying. 129. Wondrous are Thy revelations; therefore my soul preserves them. 130. The revelation of Thy words enlightens and enlightens the simple. 131. I open my mouth and sigh, for I thirst for Thy commandments. 132. Look upon me and have mercy on me, as you do to those who love Your name. 133. Establish my feet in Thy word, and do not allow any iniquity to take possession of me; 134. deliver me from the oppression of men, and I will keep your commandments; 135. Shine upon Thy servant with the light of Thy countenance, and teach me Thy statutes. 136. Streams of water flow from my eyes because they do not keep Your law. 137. Righteous art Thou, O Lord, and just are Thy judgments. 138. Thy revelations, which Thou hast commanded, are truth and perfect truth. 139. My jealousy eats me up, because my enemies have forgotten Thy words. 140. Your word is very pure, and your servant has loved it. 141. I am small and contemptible, but I do not forget Thy commandments. 142. Your righteousness is eternal righteousness, and Your law is truth. 143. Sorrow and sorrow have come upon me; Thy commandments are my comfort. 144. The righteousness of Thy revelations endures for ever: enlighten me, and I will live. 145. I cry out with all my heart: Hear me, O Lord, and I will keep Your statutes. 146. I call upon Thee: Save me, and I will keep Thy revelations. 147. I anticipate the dawn and cry out; I trust in Thy word. 148. My eyes anticipate the morning watch, so that I may delve into Thy word. 149. Hear my voice according to Thy mercy, O Lord; according to thy judgment revive me. 150. Those who are plotting deceit have approached; they are far from Thy law. 151. Thou art near, O Lord, and all Thy commandments are truth. 152. Long ago I have known of Thy revelations, that Thou hast confirmed them for ever. 153. Look upon my affliction and deliver me, for I do not forget Thy law. 154. Intervene in my cause and protect me; according to Thy word, revive me. 155. Salvation is far from the wicked, for they do not seek Thy statutes. 156. Many are Thy mercies, O Lord; according to thy judgment revive me. 157. I have many persecutors and enemies, but I do not depart from Thy revelations. 158. I see apostates, and I am afflicted, for they do not keep Thy word. 159. Behold, how I love Thy commandments; according to Thy mercy, O Lord, revive me. 160. The foundation of Thy word is true, and every judgment of Thy righteousness is eternal. 161. The princes persecute me innocently, but my heart fears Thy word. 162. I rejoice in Thy word, as one who has received great profit. 163. I hate lies and abhor them; but I love Thy law. 164. Seven times a day I praise Thee for the judgments of Thy righteousness. 165. Great is the peace of those who love Thy law, and there is no stumbling block for them. 166. I trust in Thy salvation, O Lord, and I fulfill Thy commandments. 167. My soul preserves Thy revelations, and I love them dearly. 168. I keep Thy commandments and Thy revelations, for all my ways are before Thee. 169. Let my cry draw near before Thy face, O Lord; according to Thy word, enlighten me. 170. Let my supplication come before Thy face; according to Thy word, deliver me. 171. My lips will utter praise when You teach me Your statutes. 172. My tongue shall proclaim Thy word, for all Thy commandments are righteous. 173. May Thy hand be to help me, for I have chosen Thy commandments. 174. I thirst for Thy salvation, O Lord, and Thy law is my consolation. 175. Let my soul live and glorify You, and may Your judgments help me. 176. I have gone astray like a lost sheep: seek Thy servant, for I have not forgotten Thy commandments.

Troparia, ch. 8. Chorus: "Blessed art thou, O Lord, teach me thy commandments." 1. "All the saints have found the fountain of life in God and the door of paradise, that I too may find the way there through repentance. I am a lost sheep, but call upon me, O Saviour, and save me." 2. "Holy martyrs, who preached the Lamb of God, and yourselves slain like lambs, having passed on to ageless and eternal life, fervently beseech the Saviour to grant us the absolution of sins." 3. "You who have walked the narrow path of sorrows, all who have taken up the cross in life as a yoke, and have followed Me in faith, come, enjoy the honors I have prepared for you, and be crowned with heavenly crowns." 4. "I am the image of Thy ineffable glory, though I bear the wounds of sins; have pity on Thy creation, O Lord, purify it with Thy mercy and grant me the desired fatherland, making me again an inhabitant of paradise." 5. "Who in ancient times called me to life from non-existence and adorned me with Thy Divine image, but for transgressing the commandment brought me back to the ground from which I was taken, raise me to the dignity of Thy likeness, clothing me in the beauty of Thy image which I had lost." 6. "Give rest, O God, to Thy servant (servant, servants) and give him (her, them) a place in paradise, where all the saints, O Lord, and the righteous shine like lights. Give rest to Thy departed servant (slave, slaves), despising all his (her, their) sins." 7. Glory: "With the threefold light of the shining One God, let us reverently sing, proclaiming: Holy art Thou, Father without beginning, also the Son without beginning and the Divine Spirit. Enlighten us, who serve Thee by faith, and deliver us from eternal fire." And now: "Rejoice, O Pure One, Who gave birth to God in the flesh for the salvation of all, through Thee mankind has found salvation, that we also may find paradise through Thee, O Pure and Blessed Mother of God. Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah, glory to Thee, O God." (Three times).