Book of Hours (Russian translation)

Verse 3: Jealousy will come upon the people who are not disciplined.

Verse 4: Add to their afflictions, O Lord, add to the afflictions of the glorious earth.

Isaiah 26:9, 11b, 15

And we sing the Trinitarian troparia of the voice of the week. Let it be known what is said at the end of all the Trinitarian eight tones:

In the first trinity, say this:

On Monday: Through the intercession of Thy bodiless have mercy on us.

On Tuesday: Through the prayers of Thy Forerunner, have mercy on us.

Wednesday and Friday: By the power of Thy Cross preserve us, O Lord.

Thursday: Through the prayers of Thy holy Apostles and St. Nicholas, have mercy on us.

And in the other two ternaries, say as it is written at the end of them.

Tone 1

By material images of bodiless powers, / raised to spiritual and immaterial knowledge, / and with the thrice-holy hymn receiving / the radiance of Him Who exists in the three Persons of the Godhead, / like the Cherubim, let us cry out to the One God: / "Holy, Holy, Holy art Thou, O our God:"

Glory: With all the heavenly powers, / Who lives in the Most High as the Cherubim, / let us cry out, / singing the thrice-holy praise: / "Holy, Holy, Holy Thou art our God, according to the prayers of all Thy saints, have mercy on us!"

And now: Rising from sleep, we fall down before Thee, O Good One, / and we proclaim the angelic song to Thee, O Mighty One: / "Holy, Holy, Holy, Thou art God, / through the prayers of the Mother of God, have mercy on us!"

Tone 2

Imitating the Higher Powers, we, the earthly, / offer a song of victory to Thee, the Good One: / "Holy, Holy, Holy Thou art O God:"

Glory: Uncreated nature, Creator of all, / open our mouths, that we may proclaim Thy praise, crying out: / "Holy, Holy, Holy Thou art, O God, / through the prayers of all Thy saints, have mercy on us!"

And now: Thou hast raised me from my bed and from sleep, O Lord! / Enlighten my mind and heart, / and open my mouth, / to sing to Thee, Holy Trinity: / "Holy, Holy, Holy Thou, O God, / through the prayers of the Mother of God, have mercy on us!"

Tone 3

Trinity, one in essence and indivisible, / Unity in three and equally eternal Persons! / To Thee, as to God, we proclaim the angelic hymn: / "Holy, Holy, Holy, Thou O God:"

Glory: the Father without beginning, the Son without beginning, / the co-eternal Spirit – the one Godhead / let us glorify [boldly] as the Cherubim, [exclaiming]: / "Holy, Holy, Holy Thou art, O God, / through the prayers of all Thy saints, have mercy on us!"