Book of Hours (Russian translation)

Let everything that breathes, praise the Lord! Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. A song befits you, God. Praise him, all his angels, praise him, all his hosts. A song befits you, God.

And further: Praise Him, O sun and moon, praise Him, all the stars and the light. Praise Him, O heaven of heavens, and the water that is above the heavens. Let the name of the Lord be praised, for He spoke, and they came into being, He commanded, and they were created. He has set them up for ever and ever, and has given the command, and it shall not pass away. Praise the Lord from the earth: dragons and all the deeps, fire, hail, snow, ice, stormy winds that fulfill his word, mountains and all hills, fruitful trees and all cedars, beasts and all cattle, creeping things and winged birds, kings of the earth and all nations, princes and all judges of the earth, young men and virgins, old men and younger, let them praise the name of the Lord, for his name alone has been lifted up. praise to Him on earth and in heaven. And he will lift up the horn of his people: a song to all his saints, to the children of Israel, to the people who draw near to him.

Sing a new song to the Lord, praise to Him in the assembly of the saints. Let Israel rejoice in Him who created them, and let the children of Zion rejoice in their King: let them praise His name in a circle, in the timbrel and in the psalter, let them sing to Him, for the Lord is pleased with His people, and will exalt the meek unto salvation. The saints shall be praised in glory, and shall rejoice in their couches: magnifications to God shall be in their throats, and two-edged swords in their hands, to bring vengeance among the nations, rebuke among the nations, to bind their kings with chains, and their glorious with iron fetters of hands.

Here the stichera begin:

on 6: To execute among them the judgment prescribed; / This glory shall be to all His saints.


Praise God in His saints, / praise Him in the firmament of His power.


on 4: Praise Him for His might, / Praise Him according to the multitude of His majesty.


Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet, / Praise Him with the psaltery and the harp.


Praise Him on the tympanum and in the dance, / praise Him on the strings and the organ.
