Text of the Festal Menaion in Russian

Thy all-holy Nativity, / O Most Holy Virgin Virgin, / A multitude of angels in heaven / and we, the human race, glorify on earth, / for Thou hast become the Mother of the King of all, Christ God. / Do not cease to pray to Him for us, we pray, / in Thee after God we placed our hope, / O Mother of God, praised by all, and not knowing marriage!

"Joyful Light:" and the prokeimenon of the day.

Stichera on verse, tone 2,

Like: "The House of the Euphrates:"*

Rejoice, Joachim and Anna! / Rejoice that the Giver of joy and salvation – the Virgin / is born to us of barrenness!

Verse: Hear, O Daughter, and see, / and incline Thy ear. Ps 44:11a

Thou art the only one of the earthly / who hast shown salvation in Thyself, / as having given birth to the Word / above the word and nature; / therefore we call Thee blessed.

Verse: Thy face will be implored / by the rich of the people. Ps 44:13b

Put aside, Adam and Eve, / all sorrow, / for the Mother of Joy from barren / gloriously grows on this day.

Glory, and now, the voice and likeness are the same

The temple of God / is the only Mother of God / from the barren and not childbearing, / and Adam rejoices, exclaiming.

Troparion, Tone 4

Thy Nativity, O Virgin Theotokos: (see at Great Vespers).

Also the litany and dismissal.


On "Lord, I have cried" the stichera for 8, tone 6, are self-voiced

Sergius of Svyatogradets

On this day, God, resting on rational thrones, / on earth has prepared a holy throne for Himself; / Who established the heavens with wisdom / Built the Heaven Animate according to love for mankind; / for from a barren root He has brought forth for us / a life-giving plantation – His Mother. / Thou art the God of miracles and the hope of the hopeless, / O Lord, glory to Thee!

This is the day of the Lord, rejoice, people; / for the Bridal Chamber of Light / and the Book of the Word of Life came forth from the womb; / and the Born – the door facing east, / awaits the entrance of the great Priest – / the only one, and leads into the universe of the one Christ / unto the salvation of our souls.

If, by the Divine will, / famous barren women gave birth to children, / but Mary shone more divinely than all those born; / for she, having herself miraculously born of a childless mother, / gave birth to all in the flesh of God / above nature from a seedless womb – / the only Door of the only-begotten Son of God; / having passed through it, He preserved Her shut up / and, having arranged everything wisely, as He Himself knows, / He brought about salvation for all people. (2)

Stephen of Svyatogradets