Text of the Festal Menaion in Russian

Stichera, tone 6

The Cross of Christ, the hope of Christians, / the guide of the erring, / the harbor of those who are carried by the storm, / the victory in battles, the safety of the universe, / the physician of the sick, / the resurrection of the dead, / have mercy on us.


Canon of St. Cosmas of Maiuma, tone 8; The irmoses of the canon are sung twice, and the troparia are sung on the 12th.

Ode 1

Irmos: Drawing the cross, Moses / directly cut the Red Sea with a rod / for Israel on foot, / and the same sea with a blow across / back for Pharaoh's chariots, / thus depicting an invincible weapon; / therefore let us sing to Christ our God: / for He is glorified.

The image of the most pure suffering Moses / in ancient times manifested in himself, / standing among the consecrated: / taking the form of the Cross, he with outstretched arms / erected the sign of victory, / destroying the power of Amalek the all-destroyer; / therefore let us sing praises to Christ our God, / for He is glorified.

Moses placed on the pillar the medicine, / which delivered from the destructive and poisonous wound, / and across to the tree, the image of the Cross, / tied the creeping serpent on the ground, / triumphing over the calamity; / therefore let us sing praises to Christ our God, / for He is glorified.

Heaven showed the pious ruler / and the divinely wise king / the victorious sign of the Cross, / by which the haughtiness of the wicked enemies was cast down, / and the deception was destroyed, and the divine faith / spread to all the ends of the earth; / therefore let us sing praises to Christ our God, / for He is glorified.

Ode 3

Irmos: The staff is taken as an image of the sacrament: / for by growth it indicates the priest; / and for the Church, formerly barren, the tree of the Cross has now blossomed / to her power and strength.

When the cliff poured water from the blow / to the rebellious and hard-hearted people, / he revealed to the God-called Church a mystery, / for whom the Cross is strength and strength.

When the most pure ribs / were pierced with a spear, / the water with the blood flowed out, / renewing the covenant and cleansing from sin; / for the Cross is the praise of the faithful, / and the strength and strength of kings.

Sedalen, tone 4*