Text of the Festal Menaion in Russian


Praise the Lord from heaven, praise Him in the highest. Ps 148:1

Alleluia. (3)

After the prayer before the ambo, we all go out through the Royal Doors to the holy font or to the spring. The abbot or the senior priest comes out, carrying the Holy Cross on his head, and in front go the candle-bearers and deacons with censers. And he places the Holy Cross on a decorated table, where a chalice with water and candles is prepared. Candles are distributed to the brethren, and the rector, accompanied by a deacon with a candle, censes around the table and the entire church, while the clergy sings troparia.

Troparia at the Blessing of the Water, tone 8

The voice of the Lord cries out on the waters, saying: / "Come, receive all / the Spirit of wisdom, the Spirit of understanding, / the Spirit of the fear of God, / the Christ who has appeared!" (3)

On this day the waters are sanctified, / and the Jordan is divided, / and holds back the flow of its streams, / seeing the Lord washed. (2)

As a man Thou didst come to the river, O Christ the King, / and hastenest to receive baptism, O Good One, / from the hands of the Forerunner / for the cleansing of our sins, O Lover of mankind. (2)

Glory, and now, the voice is the same: To the voice of one crying in the wilderness: / "Prepare ye the way of the Lord" / Thou hast come, O Lord, Who hast taken the form of a servant, / asking for baptism, knowing no sin. / The waters saw Thee and were afraid, / the Forerunner trembled and cried out, saying: / "How can the lamp enlighten the Light? / How will a servant lay his hand on the Lord? / Sanctify me and the waters, O Saviour, who lifts up the sin of the world!

The Prokeimenon as at the Liturgy and the reading of the 3 Parimia:

Isaiah's Prophecies Reading

Thus saith the Lord: Let the thirsty wilderness rejoice, let the wilderness rejoice, and let it blossom like a lily. And they will blossom, and all will rejoice, and the desert regions of the Jordan will rejoice. And the glory of Lebanon was given to her, and the honor of Carmel. And my people will see the glory of the Lord and the height of God. Be strong, weak hands and weak knees; encourage and say to those who are fearful in thought: "Be strong and do not be afraid; behold, our God recompenses judgment; He Himself will come and save you."

Then the eyes of the blind will be opened, and the ears of the deaf will hear. Then the lame shall leap up like a deer, and the speech of the tongue-tied shall be clear; for the waters have burst forth in the wilderness, and the ravine in the thirsty land; and the waterless steppe will be turned into meadows, and in the thirsty land there will be a fountain of water. There will be rejoicing for the birds, [thickets of reeds,]* and swamps. And there shall be a pure way, and shall be called a holy way; (and) the unclean will not pass through there, nor will the unclean way be there; but those who are scattered will walk in it and will not go astray. And there shall be no lion there, and none of the wicked beasts shall ascend upon it, nor shall be found there, but shall go those who have been redeemed and gathered by the Lord. And they will return, and come to Zion with gladness and gladness; and everlasting joy is upon their heads: praise and rejoicing; and joy shall come upon them: torment, sorrow, and groaning have fled!

* in Greek and Slav. Menaion: [The abode of the sirens, and the reeds,]