Text of the Festal Menaion in Russian


Irmos: Death, which befell our race through eating of the tree, / is abolished by the Cross on this day; / for the universal curse for the fault of the foremother / has been destroyed by the Branch of the pure Mother of God, / Whom all the Powers of Heaven magnify.

Not allowing the murderous bitterness from the tree, O Lord, / Thou hast utterly destroyed it with the Cross; / That is why the tree / once ceased the bitterness of the waters of Marah, / anticipating the action of the Cross, / which all the powers of heaven magnify.

Thou hast exalted those who were constantly plunging into darkness in the darkness of the forefather, O Lord, on this day by the Cross: / for as before our nature / was utterly irresistibly cast down by error, / so again the light of Thy Cross has completely corrected us, / which we, the faithful, magnify.

In order to show the world the venerated image of the Cross / in all its glory, O Lord, / Thou hast depicted it in heaven / in immeasurable light, / for the king with an invincible armor, / which all the Powers of Heaven magnify.

Luminary, Tone 2

Like: When the disciples looked upon Thee:

The Cross is the guardian of the entire universe, / The Cross is the beauty of the Church, / The Cross is the power of kings, / The Cross is the affirmation of the faithful; / The cross is the glory of the angels / and the defeat of the demons. (2)

Glory, and now:

Like: Wives, hear:

The cross today is being erected / and the world is sanctified; / For thou, O Christ, who sit with the Father and the Holy Spirit, / hast stretched out thy hands upon him, / hast drawn the whole world to the knowledge of thee. / Grant those who trust in Thee / divine glory.

On "Praise" there are stichera for 4 self-similar, tone 8

O wondrous miracle! / The life-giving plantation, the All-Holy Cross, / is on this day raised in height. / All the ends of the earth glorify, / all demons are afraid. / Oh, what a gift has been given to mortals! / Save our souls, O Christ, for them, / as the only merciful one! (2)

O wondrous miracle! / Like a bunch of grapes full of life / Who lifted the Most High on himself, / on this day we see the Cross raised from the earth, / by which we are all drawn to God / and death is swallowed up to the end. / O Immaculate Tree, / by which we enjoy / the food of immortality that is in Eden, / glorifying Christ!