Bless My Prayer


Lord, Jesus Christ!

Thou hast said unto us, Where two or three are gathered together in my name,

I'm there among them.

You didn't want people to walk alone through life

You have gathered us together to be one family.

Let us fulfill Thy new commandment,

that we may love one another as thou hast loved us.

Give us patience, forbearance

and power over oneself.

May we be one, as you are one with the Father and the Spirit,

according to Thy prayer and commandment.

So that our light may shine in this dark world,

Coming from Thee,

and men have come to know thy love

in the love of the Father, in the salvation of the Son

and in the communion of the Holy Spirit.




Evening Prayer


Lord Jesus Christ!

In this evening hour, in this city,

where Thy blessing rested,

In the midst of all sufferings, sins and troubles,

Thou who sufferest and took upon Thyself

the plagues of the human race,

because He loved us,

You, who have come here,

Be with us.

Lord, you carried the Cross,

teach us to bear suffering and labor for the sake of our loved ones.

Lord Jesus Christ,

Thou seest our wounds and our infirmities,

pour strength into us, make us strong, courageous,

worthy witnesses

Your Divine Gospel.

Lord Jesus Christ,

Give us in the days that Thou hast given us,

to carry Thy Cross as a banner.