Bless My Prayer

Forgive us for our lack of self-control,

For reproaches, for being in a bad mood, for constantly hurting and infringing on each other.

Forgive us for the heartfelt pleasure we derive from humiliation 

and condemning other people, from upsetting them, quarreling them, finding faults in someone.

Lord, forgive us for our eyes, which first of all see evil,

for our tongue, which is quick to reproach

and an offensive word.

Forgive me for lying, for destroying friendship, love, family, human relations, for constantly asserting my will, for

that they offended and humiliated unrequited people, oppressed the weak.



God! Forgive us for our greed,

for greed, for giving so little in life!

Teach us to follow Your way when You tell us, "It is more blessed to give than to receive."

Forgive us for the indifference of our hearts to someone else's misfortune, for our unwillingness to help, for our unwillingness to support, console, and encourage!

I'm sorry that we can't even just tolerate another person, his weaknesses, his unsympathetic, uncomfortable features.

Forgive me for murmuring, and not

With Gratitude We Bear the Burden

in relation to the sick, children, the elderly, to the needy

in our help.

Forgive me for the fact that, returning from church, we bring to our family not silence, joy and light, but grumbling and discontent. 

Forgive, Lord, for the guilt before relatives and friends who share

Our sins are with us.




We are guilty before You, Lord, that we did not save our family, pushed others to separate, divorce, quarrels, were indirect culprits of other people's troubles.

Forgive us, Lord, for our sins against our own children, against our husband, against our wife, against our mother and father, to whom we have caused many offenses