«...Иисус Наставник, помилуй нас!»

... Seeing your cowardice here, know also where it comes from: evidently from self-love, which cannot bear offense (VI, 118, 191).

It is our duty to grieve over our incorrectness, but not to be embarrassed; This sorrow leads to repentance and humility, and confusion shows in us a high-minded disposition. Humility makes you see your own weakness, not judge anyone, but yourself; but arrogance judges all; and though it touches itself, it is at the edge of the tongue, and does not receive tranquility and peace (V, 344, 471).

In confusion there is no repentance, no humility, no podvig against the passions

You complain about your furious part and get horrified. It is necessary to humble oneself more, and not to be horrified; to be horrified means the same as to be troubled, and in confusion there is no longer humility, repentance, or podvig to resist and destroy the passion. Take as an example a field overgrown with flies and thorns. What is to be done with it? Whatever good you sow, everything will be lost. It is necessary little by little to uproot thorns and cleanse the woods; and then to sow... (III, 9, 47).

Confusion deprives you of hope in God's mercy

... You feel that you will be completely unresponsive at the Last Judgment. If this latter has a strong effect on you and confuses you, then I will tell you that this is the intrigue of the enemy and the fruit of pride. You, recognizing yourself as a sinner, should not despair, but rather humble yourself and marvel at the love of God, which tolerates you and awaits your conversion and repentance (I, 3, 9-10).

Although no one can boast of being sinless, the Apostles themselves were aware of themselves as such; St. Apostle Paul: The Lord came to save sinners, of whom I am the first (1 Tim. 1:15), just as St. Peter always remembered his sin; and many who were going through the spiritual life, even the saints, considered themselves sinners, but were not troubled, because they did not place their salvation in their virtues, but in the merits and mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ. You consider yourselves sinful and see your virtues, but you are troubled in spirit, and all this constitutes a dark chaos in you, which prevents the light of reasoning from being in you (I, 55, 125).

Confusion deprives peace and tranquility

Judge what is the use of embarrassment after any encroachment? Isn't it better to humble yourself and bring repentance? Here tranquillity is born, and there it is deprived (I, 4, 19).

Where there is confusion, there is the enemy; where there is peace, there is God

Her heart was troubled, which already means that she had accepted the enemy's pretext to deprive her of usefulness. And where there is confusion, there is the enemy; where there is peace, there is God... (III, 279, 496).

Confusion Raises the Devil to Great Battles

Humility calms and gives hope for correction; but confusion weighs you down more, and raises up the enemy to great battles (1:30,63).

... With confusion for the slightest thought, the enemy is more strongly armed against you, be courageous and despise them (III, 220, 367).