Grand Inquisitor

2. "Sources of the History of Philosophical Thought in Lithuania". vol.11 (in Lithuanian), Publishing House of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, Vilnius, 1991.

3. A. Maceina. By philosophy. zh."Aidai" ("Echoes" or "Echo"), 1978.NoNo 8-10: 1979.NoNo 1,2.

4. A. Maceina. The origin and meaning of philosophy. (in Lithuanian), Rome, 1978.

5. I. Girnius. Antanas Maceina is 70. "Aidai", No2, 1978

6. I. Navickas. Method and concept of Maciejna's philosophy. "Aidai", No2, 1978

7. K. Girnius. Interpretation of philosophy: "The Meaning and Origin of Philosophy" by A. Maceina. "Aidai", No2, 1978

8. A. Sverdiolas. The Philosophical Path of Antanas Macieina. Introductory article to the 1st volume of A. Macieina's works, Mintis Publishing House, Vilnius, 1991

9. T. Korneeva-Matseiniene. Wisdom born of suffering. "Science and Religion", No11, 1990.


3 To study Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor" was my long-standing desire. I was able to realize this desire only in exile.1 The dehumanization of man, caused by technology and nurtured in a totalitarian state, helped me to understand the Inquisitor's intentions. After all, the life of the last decades was nothing more than a living stage of inquisitorial activity. And the end of this activity is not yet in sight. Therefore, the historical meaning of the Inquisitor is still relevant, and the danger of his "corrections" still exists.

Those who have not read the legend of Dostoevsky's "The Grand Inquisitor" should start reading the proposed study with the appendix that makes up the legend itself. It was translated by Vincas Kazokas.2 To him my deep gratitude. The text of the legend, which is used in the study itself, was translated by me, so in its verbal form it is somewhat different from the translation of Kazokas, although in thought everything coincides.

I am deeply grateful to the editor Anatoly Kairis3, who found it necessary to place this study within the framework of the journal Tremtiniu Mokiklos (Schools of Exiles)4, which he edits, and to the publishing house Atžalynas (Growth)5, which found opportunities to publish my work at this difficult time.


October 10, 1946