Ecumenical Councils

The Second Ecumenical Council in Constantinople in 381

Nicene-Constantinople Symbol. The Church Policy of Theodosius I the Great after the Council of 381-382. Arianism in the West. A time of transition from triadological disputes to Christological ones. The position of the church in Asia Minor. Syria. Antioch. Attempts to liquidate the Antiochian strife. Jerusalem Church. The Initial History of Monasticism. Blessed Jerome. Origenist disputes. State situation. St. John Chrysostom. Troubles in the church because of the violence against Chrysostom. Christological disputes. Apollinaris of Laodicea. Christology of the Objectors to Apollinarius. Antiochian Christology (Diodorus of Tarsus and Theodore of Mopsyestia). Nestorianism. St. Cyril of Alexandria.

The Third Ecumenical Council of 431

The opening of the Third Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in 431 The conclusion of the Council of Ephesus in 431 with peace in 433 The conciliatory confession of 433 A new period of struggle between the schools of Antioch and Alexandria. Theodore of Mopsuestia. Monophysitism. The Ecumenical Council of Ephesus in 449 ("The Robber" — "Latrocinium Ephesinum").

IV Ecumenical Council of 451 in Chalcedon.

The end of Nestorius. Chalcedon (451). The victory of the 28th canon of the Council of Chalcedon in history. The Chalcedonian Problem in the Understanding of Russian Thinkers. Monophysitism of the East after Chalcedon. Unrest in Palestine. In Egypt. Changes on the throne and vacillations of emperors. Emperors Zeno (474-491) and Basiliscus (475-476). 1st Apostasy from the Council of Chalcedon. Enkiklion (475). The fall of Basiliscus and the return of Zeno (476). Turn to Chalcedon. Second Digression from Chalcedon. Henoticon. 35 years of separation of the churches (484-519) due to the Henoticon. Growth of Monophysitism in Constantinople. Severus. End of the 34-year schism with Rome (484-518). The end of the breakup. Movement of Scythian monks. The first arrival of the Pope in Constantinople.

Emperor Justinian I the Great (527-565) and the Fifth Ecumenical Council.

Justinian I the Great (527-565). Justinian's Unforeseen Theological Decree of 533 The Origin of the Idea of the Fifth Ecumenical Council. "Ο Three Chapters" (544). The Need for an Ecumenical Council. Fifth Ecumenical Council (553). Origenism and Origen. The question of the adoption of the Fifth Ecumenical Council in the West. Unrest and schisms in the West because of the Fifth Ecumenical Council. Justinian's Church-State System. Construction of Justinian. Internal movements in Monophysitism that divided it. Tritheistic disputes. The Political Framework of Church Events from Justinian I to Heraclius (610-641). The dispute over the title "ecumenical". Departure from Orthodoxy for nationalist reasons. The Fall of Armenia. Armenia from Justinian to Heraclius (565-610). Churches of the Syriac language in Persia. Persian (Chaldean) Christians (late Nestorians). Jacobites. Copts. Jacobites in Persia. Religious policy of Heraclius. (The so-called unions, the beginning of Monothelitism). Reunification of part of the Armenian Church (630-632). The reunion of the Syrian Jacobites (630). Reunion of the Alexandrian Monophysites (632). The heresy of Pope Honorius. "Ecthesis". Islam. Successors of Heraclius. The situation in Egypt. Rehabilitation of Rome. Pope John IV. Attitude to Monothelitism in the West. St. Maximus the Confessor. Typos (648). Πapa Martin I and the Lateran Council of 649. The end of Konsta (668). Diplomatic relations between Rome and Constantinople. Constantine Pogonatus (668-685).

VI Ecumenical Council (680-681).

End of the Council of 680-681. Monothelitism after the Sixth Ecumenical Council. The Last Heraclides. (Political situation). Church affairs, the "fifth-sixth" or Trullo Council of 691-692, the canons of the Trullo Council and the Roman Church. Relapse of Monothelitism. The Established Attitude of Rome to the Council of Trullo. Maronites. Relations with the Armenian Church during the Monothelite Troubles.