Church-Historical Narratives of Public Content and Presentation: From the Ancient Times of the Christian Church

Published in: Church-Historical Narratives of Public Content and Presentation: From the Ancient Times of the Christian Church. - Moscow: Pechatnya Snegirevoy, 1900. - VI, 340 p. - (Sobr. church-historical works of Prof. Dr. Theology Alexei Lebedev: vol. 9).


I. Instructive Features of the Home and Family Life of Ancient Christians

The meaning of the words of the Christian writer of the second century is that Christians did not differ in any way from non-Christians. - Prayer: how was the teaching of unceasing prayer understood? - Day and night prayer, certain hours for prayer, prayers used, external position during prayer, use of the cross. - Table: pious customs during meals, its simplicity, rules of decency when eating food; What food was preferred? - Drinking drinks, the rules of decency in this case; How did Christians behave at feasts? - Virginity and marital state: the flourishing of virginity, thoughts of chastity. The most remarkable examples of Christian zeal for the preservation of virginity; views on married life, the church blessing of marriage, thoughts on the purpose of marriage, the rules of marital relations, virginity in marriage, days of abstinence, the moral qualities of the spouses and their spiritual unity, the concerns of the spouses for mutual spiritual salvation, the rupture of mutual cohabitation; religious and moral education of children, examples.

II. The Conversion of Emperor Constantine the Great to Christianity

The meaning of the name is Equal-to-the-Apostles. - The influence on Konstantin of the family in which he was born. - The significance of being at the court of Diocletian. - Constantine's state of mind before the war with Rome. - Vision of the Cross. - Objections to the legend and their analysis. - Constantine's confirmation in the faith. - Other explanations of Constantine's conversion to Christianity. - The first revelations of Christianity in the activities of Constantine: a monument in Rome, the Edict of Milan, etc. - The joy of Christians.

III. The First Christian Emperor on the Throne of the Roman Caesars

The influence of the Christian religion on the morals and behavior of a person.

- Where does Constantine give a religious-Christian teaching? Who were his listeners? What topics did he choose for his teachings? - The sovereign's concerns about the religious education of his children, features from the life of his family. - The moral side of Konstantin's life: his personal moral qualities, diligence and simplicity of home life; his exposure of moral shortcomings in others; examples of the king's philanthropic relations; charity; The Tsar's Entertainments and Their Character. - How does Constantine prepare himself for death and how does he die? - Names assigned to it in history. - The influence of Constantine's mode of activity on subsequent Byzantine emperors.

IV. Paganism and Christianity according to their influence on the pupils of the Greek and Latin schools of the I, III and IV centuries (Historical essay)

The purpose and purpose of this essay. The good wishes and parting words with which pagans and Christians sent their children to schools; the difference in good wishes and parting words between pagan and Christian; the aspirations with which pagan and Christian youths entered schools, and the difference between these aspirations. - Characteristics of teachers of pagan schools; unattractive aspects of the teaching staff of these schools; A pleasant contrast was presented by the Christian teachers in their schools.