Learning with passion


A reader is not born. By the reader – and forever! — become if an interesting book falls into your hands in time, such that you want to read more and more. Many big people remember that their first books were cheap market publications, completely trivial from the point of view of an adult. But somehow these books captivated, struck the imagination!

If you read with enthusiasm, and someone tells you: "Come on, why are you reading this nonsense" – don't listen, keep reading. The most grandiose things sometimes begin with trifles and nonsense.

Those who do not like to read at all, who are not addicted to reading, are simply unlucky: they did not meet the first book, they did not find the cherished key to the book kingdom... Will it remain locked up for life? This is a great misfortune. A person who lives in our reading world and does not like to read feels pinched, lagging behind, worse than others, even if he is the most wonderful person.

But, it turns out, it is the same with books as with any school subject: a little effort, a little effort and patience, and the golden key, the first exciting book, will be found. Here is the story that happened to Kolya Terleev from the city of Tobolsk:

"I did the experiment of "learning with passion" because I do not like to read. My experiment was a success. When I come home from school, I rest for about half an hour, an hour. Then I begin to write a lesson on the most difficult subject for me, the Russian language. After that, in mathematics, geography, botany, literature or French. After doing my homework, I read fiction, although I don't like to read. And so I decided to seriously engage in reading books. With difficulty, I read the first book to the end. Then I borrowed the book "Youth Army" by G. Miroshnichenko from the library. I read this book with such interest that now I am very drawn to books and I will be a regular reader in the children's library. It became more interesting for me to study literature. And I came to the following conclusion: before starting any business, you need to be carried away by this task and, of course, be persistent in doing it. In general, everyone can force themselves to make a boring subject interesting. I really want to know what readers will write about "learning with passion". Greetings


Nikolai opened the very first door and found that books can be interesting. But he does not yet know how many interesting and important books there are in the world!

Every significant person has had a time in his life to greedily devour a huge number of books. Twelve-year-old Thomas Edison, having gained access to the public library, set himself the task of reading all the books in a row - and boldly began from the bottom shelf, where he came across such works: Newton's Elements, Technical Lexicon, Anatomy of Melancholy... This did not bother the boy in the least, and in his spare time he went through volume after volume, not missing a book or a page, until he had read as many books as could fit on a shelf fifteen feet long, that is, about four and a half meters of books. Only then did he come to the conclusion that it was better to stick to a certain choice rather than read everything. But the story is good, isn't it? And you can ask yourself: how many meters of books have I read?

Both today and among us, and not just among the Edisons, there are passionate readers who sacrifice everything for the book. Sometimes they have a very difficult time.

"I fell in love with books from the first grade. It is recorded in four libraries. Mom scolds me, says: "Give up the books, they are of no use!" He hides books from me. I read furtively. You can't imagine how much I love books. When I read, it seems that only the book exists for me. After all, how interesting it is! There are many good, kind, courageous people in books. We read about their immortal feats. And my mother scolds me: "Are you for the book again? It would be better to sit with Larisa" (my sister, she is 1 year and 5 months old). At school, they wonder why you read so much, do you like to read? I don't understand how you can live without a book, how you can not love it. After all, a book is everything. And my mother says: "Don't feed you bread, but let me read it." In the evening, in bed, I think about the books I have read. Sometimes in the evenings I sit reading a book, and my mother says: "Go to bed!" Did Alexei Meresyev manage to overcome himself in the book by B. Polevoy "The Story of a Real Man". Or "Captain Grant's Children" - what happened next? Or "The Mystery of the River of Evil Spirits" – did they, geologists, manage to get out of the gorge? I just can't wait to find out what happened next. I get up and go to read at night. Mom says: "I'll discharge you from libraries." Tell! Is it bad to read? Be able to read!"

Rimma, Kostanay, Kazakh SSR.